My beloved Quad G5 that I picked up with a DC 2.3Ghz for $80 is just sitting around collecting dust, mostly due to the lack of a modern web browser.
TenFourFox is just painful Leopard Web Kit too buggy, and FireFox Quatum on Debian PPC64 doesn't render correct.
Any tips on how I can get more, or any, use out of this beast?
I haven't even powered on the Quad in two or three months.
Lately I've been toying with a Dell Inspiron with an AMD A series APU and 4GB of Ram. Amazingly it runs Catalina pretty well even tho the graphic are not supported. Sad thing it the Quad G5 has more raw CPU power, but Apple cut PPC64 off at the knees with 10.6.
With a modern video card the Quad would still run Catalina just fine on 16GB of ram, it has the raw CPU power and enough bandwidth.
TenFourFox is just painful Leopard Web Kit too buggy, and FireFox Quatum on Debian PPC64 doesn't render correct.
Any tips on how I can get more, or any, use out of this beast?
I haven't even powered on the Quad in two or three months.
Lately I've been toying with a Dell Inspiron with an AMD A series APU and 4GB of Ram. Amazingly it runs Catalina pretty well even tho the graphic are not supported. Sad thing it the Quad G5 has more raw CPU power, but Apple cut PPC64 off at the knees with 10.6.
With a modern video card the Quad would still run Catalina just fine on 16GB of ram, it has the raw CPU power and enough bandwidth.