Transmission 1.80 (2010/01/20)
This is a huge listen-to-the-users release -- it uses 103 ideas from users, including 44 enhancements, 26 bug fixes, and 33 more bug fixes during the beta tests. Thanks to everyone involved for helping to improve Transmission.
All tickets closed by this release
All Platforms
Add support for magnet links
Add support for trackerless torrents
Add optional "incomplete directory" where partial downloads are stored
Add .part to incomplete files' filenames
Find more peers by announcing to each tier in a torrent's tracker list, rather than only one
Fix vulnerability from maliciously-crafted torrent files that could overwrite other files
Improved IPv6 support
Improved PEX sharing with other peers
Faster management of large peer lists
DHT improvements to bootstrapping and IPv6
Newly-added torrents without local data don't wait in the "Verify Local Data" queue anymore
Add an OS hint to not cache local data during torrent verification
Use less CPU when making encrypted handshakes to peers
Better filtering of bad IP addresses
Fix bug that gave "too many open files" error messages
Fix bug that could crash Transmission on shutdown
Fix bug that could unpause or repause a torrent on startup
When uploading, improve disk IO performance by prefetching the data in batches
Portability fixes for embedded systems
Other small bug fixes and improvements