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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 8, 2014
Thought it would be interesting to see what everyone thinks about this,

I reckon the iPad Pro will have;

12.9" display
Force touch display
Support for proper accurate stylus (but not supplied with)
Higher resolution display
USB-C port
Three different processor options
Upto 512g of Storage

I think at the same time apple will release;

A new ultra thin & light keyboard,
An Apple Stylus

What do you guys think?


macrumors 68000
Nov 30, 2014
Should be the general idea. Interested to hear what your take on high resolution is. For now it seems it will have a 2732x2048 display, but it may do the 3072x2304 option.
You really think it will have a 512GB storage option. If it runs OS X, which I strongly hope it doesn't, then that is understandable, but on iOS, even if it a pro variant, I really don't see who would need more than 256GB.
Aside from that, seems great and realistic.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 8, 2014
I believe the Pro model will be aimed at the tremendous success Microsoft have had with the Surface Pro 3. It is going to be the productivity model. I am sure this will be the catalyst Apple need in the iPad range to both reinvigorate the iPad image and take the iPad into the direction Apple forsee as the future of the post PC world.

A 512g option will be taken by users; moving from Microsoft to Apple, and users like artists, designers, etc. People in general need more space these days.


macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2010
Sunny England!
While I don't see the need for a 512GB option, I can see Apple offering this a higher price point if the iPad Pro is indeed a Pro model of the iPad in the same sense the MBPs are to the MBs and MBAs.

Apple won't offer processor options with an iPad. I would expect an A9X variant.

I'm also pretty sure it's all but confirmed that the iPad Pro display will have the same PPI as the iPad Air, but other than that I think you're suggestions are in the right direction.


macrumors 68000
Nov 30, 2014
I believe the Pro model will be aimed at the tremendous success Microsoft have had with the Surface Pro 3. It is going to be the productivity model. I am sure this will be the catalyst Apple need in the iPad range to both reinvigorate the iPad image and take the iPad into the direction Apple forsee as the future of the post PC world.

A 512g option will be taken by users; moving from Microsoft to Apple, and users like artists, designers, etc. People in general need more space these days.

You're forgetting that the Surface runs Windows. Windows, just like any other desktop operating system, has a huge footprint. The Microsoft store significantly says, 'System software and apps use significant storage.' The 256GB SP3 has 212GB of user-configurable storage. And then the programs take up huge amounts of storage. :apple: can go to huge lengths to make iOS suitable for professional use, but they won't have to worry about efficiency, because iOS is still a mobile OS, which equals efficiency.
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Reno Richter

macrumors member
May 31, 2012
If you are a road warrior behind the Great Firewall of China for weeks on end and you want as much music and movies as you can carry to entertain yourself at night or on weekends then you understand why I will be first in line for a 512g iPad Pro. Yes I understand you can buy addons...But parts left home don't get lost or stolen :)
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