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What game system would you choose?

  • New 3DS

    Votes: 7 15.2%
  • PS4

    Votes: 24 52.2%
  • Xbox One

    Votes: 18 39.1%
  • WiiU

    Votes: 6 13.0%
  • Last Gen - 360/PS3

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters


macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 29, 2011
So I work full time while going back to school in the evenings/online for a second degree. I was awarded a scholarship this semester, which results in a nice $750 refund coming my way. This is also my last semester, so while I previously couldn't justify the time or expense of a new gen console, now I want to treat myself a bit.

My question is, based on the systems today, what would you choose from the following:

1) New 3DS with a ton of games. I have an old DSi that I still enjoy from time to time.
2) PS4
3) Xbox One
4) WiiU
5) Wild card choice - Last gen (PS3/360) at a nice discount

I probably won't burn the whole $750 all at once, but I really don't have any other need for the money, so those are the options I was looking at. I skipped the entire last generation (was in college and got by using friends/roommates' systems), so I'm not tied to one ecosystem over another. I have a smart TV, so I don't need any of the consoles for their streaming capabilities - just gaming. I also don't care if one is pure 60 FPS 1080p and the other isn't - being max FPS max graphics is not really my concern when gaming.

I also have to wait a few weeks to get the money refunded (believe past the last drop for refund date), so part of me is even considering holding off entirely to see if there's any Black Friday/Cyber Monday packages that come out.
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It would be helpful if you list the type of game genres you like to play, and what your buddies play on, but I'll take a stab here at helping you decide.

I'd only recommend the 3DS if you need portability. If you have more opportunities to game remotely than at home, it's a great choice. You didn't list, but if you need portable gaming, the PS Vita (a very under rated hand held) is worth considering if you like to play jRPGs and Indy games. Otherwise, 3DS is much better.

Now I for one much prefer to game on the couch in front of large screen TV, so if you feel the same, a console is better.
It's also a more social platform than a handheld for gaming on the couch with your buddies.

While I'm tempted to recommend PS3/360 in your case since you skipped last gen as there are SO many great games to play, it's hard to recommend since it's so old and your budget warrants buying into current gen ps4/xb1. Most of the best games from last gen have been remastered to this gen, so I really don't recommend a last gen system unless your budget is limited.

While Wii U has arguably the BEST console exclusives so far this gen, lack of third party support makes it hard to recommend for someone your age. It's a great second system, though. And some games are great party games for college students (Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart).

That leaves PS4 and XB1. Xbox is better if you like First Person Shooters and Sports games. You've got Halo MCC with Halo 1-4 and upcoming Halo 5, and Gears of War remastered HD, and if you buy that before end of year, you get the whole x360 GoW collection for free via backwards compatibility. Backwards compatibility is a big selling point for XB1 for someone in your shoes, since it will allow you to play a selection of the most popular 360 games. XB1 also is best for sports games with EA access. For a small subscription fee, you get to play a wide selection of older EA games as part of the subscription. Not a bad value.

If you prefer any other genre oust side FPS and Sports (though plenty of FPS/Sports on PS4 too), PS4 is better. You get the upcoming Uncharted Nathan Drake collection (Uncharted 1-3 HD), plus Last of Us, and a bunch of great exclusives like Bloodborne. Some of the best party games too. Towerfall Ascension and Rocket League (both PS4 console exclusives) are two of the FUNNEST multiplayer couch games you'll ever have the pleasure of playing.

You didn't list, but it's worth mentioning even though this is a console forum, a good gaming PC is a great choice for a college student. It's also the best (or only) platform to play MMORPG, RTS and MOBA genres. You need a good computer anyways for college. But seeing as this is a Mac forum and you probably use a mac, there is really no viable Mac computer worth gaming on, unless you play older or less graphics intensive games. Maybe the next round of mac book pros will offer something with a decent enough graphics card to play PC games via bootcamp, but it'll be super expensive and doubtful it will be compelling enough to game on vs. a traditional PC or console. A good gaming PC laptop though offers the best of all worlds. Portability AND ability to hook up to your TV. Or perhaps a gaming PC tower from your bedroom to living room connected to TV with long HDMI cable and/or stream via upcoming Steam Stream Box. Worth considering. There are also affordable console like PC boxes called 'steam boxes' also worth considering. The Dell Alienware Alpha is as powerful and affordable as a console, but offers up cheap PC games. Can't ignore those awesome Steam sales!

Waiting for black friday is a really good idea. You will save at least $50. There have been some good deals though that come around often if you don't want to wait, especially on XB1, if you are patient. Keep your eyes peeled to deal sites like slickdeals or dealnews for sales. Usual sales offer gift cards, extra controller, xbox gold/ps+ subscriptions, and/or extra games. Whatever you do, DON'T pay full retail price, there is always a good deal right around the corner for a savvy shopper.

Based on above, I'm voting XB1 for your case. A current gen system and backwards compatibility will be give you a chance to play some older games you might have missed.

Good luck. Please do list the game genres you prefer to play most and what systems your bros play on, and we'll help you zero on the best system for your needs.

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For media capabilities: PS3. It handles everything I can throw at it - blurays, 3D blurays, DVDs, streaming over home network, playing from USB drive, Netflix and iPlayer.

For games: Wii U at this stage. As much as I love GTAV, MGSV, Journey, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture... there's nothing quite like Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Maker, Mario 3D World. If I could only have one console this gen it'd be the Wii U.

Good luck. Please do list the game genres you prefer to play most and what systems your bros play on, and we'll help you zero on the best system for your needs.


Thanks for the lengthy response. It would be free time/at home gaming primarily. None of my friends really game actively anymore - their old PS3s are basically just for Netflix and the rare NHL/Madden 15 game. Really, really rare, so it's really just an individual/self choice.

Re: PC gaming route, I actually dumped my old Mac a while ago and have a Lenovo that can run some middling games. This is pretty close to my current Steam library (below), though I might be missing something since this was taken. I also played Diablo 3 a little bit and Heroes of the Storm beta, but I'm not really wild about that game.


A living room gaming rig would be tempting. I must admit I am limited due to my gimpy laptop integrated graphics. There's certainly other games out there I'd like to try if I could run them.

For media capabilities: PS3. It handles everything I can throw at it - blurays, 3D blurays, DVDs, streaming over home network, playing from USB drive, Netflix and iPlayer.

For games: Wii U at this stage. As much as I love GTAV, MGSV, Journey, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture... there's nothing quite like Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Maker, Mario 3D World. If I could only have one console this gen it'd be the Wii U.

I'm pretty covered on the media capabilities with a smart TV and a networked drive with media on it that I can access. I don't really have physical media - I might have a handful of DVDs and that's it. Those WiiU games you mentioned are those A+ hits that are so tempting to get, but I do worry about limited options outside of those games. Granted, those are some great games with plenty of replay-ability.
Those WiiU games you mentioned are those A+ hits that are so tempting to get, but I do worry about limited options outside of those games. Granted, those are some great games with plenty of replay-ability.
Oh definitely. I find with all Nintendo systems you get the outstanding titles they make themselves, and not much else. Higher highs than the other systems, but no mids.

That suits my play style though. I don't digest games as much as others, I generally stick to a few really good ones and play them until the sequels come along. But if you go through lots of games the "free" games you get on Xbox Live and PSN just for being a member is really useful.
I paid $299 for my XBox One and with backwards compatibility with XB360 (I'm on the preview program) and rumors of now adding the original XBox games, not to mention I see sales on XBox Live Gold for around $30/year constantly, can't do better than that...

On tight budget I'd go with a used PS3 or XBox 360 since you are in school...
If you are already invested a bit in PC gaming, it's not a bad way to go.
If you think you can get a decent price selling your Lenovo (doubtful), maybe trade up to a gaming laptop?

Actually, a better alternative may be the Alienware Alpha: alpha&dgc=ST&cid=283812&lid=5419212&acd=123098073120560&ven1=sYcmygs1l&ven2=e&ven3=171502440196786881

The system is as powerful as current gen console with a special overclocked nvidia 850m graphics card, that is supposed to perform about as well as a 750ti desktop card. The form factor is tiny, about the size of a Wii U, making it right at home under your TV.

I recommend the baseline system, since CPU is not critical, add a 4gb stick of ram to up it to 8gb, and swap out the HDD for an SSD. The upgrades can be done later as budget allows. It's a great little system. It can play any current gen game 1080p on middle-high settings. It might struggle down the road though on future PC games, since PC games are generally not well optimized. I've seen this on sale for as low as $330, well worth the price. You cannot build your own system for cheaper, no matter what anyone tells you. It will probably see an update in the next couple of months, but that is not certain. If you are comfortable building a system and willing to spend more, a small ITX form factor PC with dedicated desktop graphics card will be a bit more future proof.

A PC is still, well, a PC, with all it's niggles and pitfalls. If you don't want the hassle of keeping up with updating drivers, optimizing game settings, etc, a console is a better choice.

If you decide to go console, your list of games leans heavily towards Shooters and Indy games, so I'd say it's an even split between choosing a XB1 (shooters) and PS4 (Indy games). Are there any upcoming games you really want to play?

Anyhow, based on what you have told me so far, I'd take the Alienware Alpha (or build your own PC) over a XB1/PS4 as you've already got a collection of games started, there are no subscription fees to play online and games are cheaper. The only reason to chose a console in your case is if you either don't want the hassle of PC or if there is a must play console exclusive.

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I think it falls on what kind of games you want to play. I enjoy the New 3DS XL, and recently purchased a PS4 (but have only turned it on once or twice). I still play a few games on the computer, both in OS X and Bootcamp.

On 3DS, I enjoy most of the first-party games. PS4 was picked up mainly for things like FO4, SW: Battleground, Madden, and eventually, GT. On the computer, I usually play things like Diablo 3, Borderlands series, etc., but am waiting for Star Citizen.
I tend to play my PS4 more than anything else, below that is split between PC and 3DS.

I just picked up a Wii-U today, sadly the two games I was most interested in (Bayonetta 2 and Splatoon) were sold out at the moment. I was hoping to get some older games, but the Virtual Console selection on the Wii-U is disappointingly bare.
I tend to play my PS4 more than anything else, below that is split between PC and 3DS.

I just picked up a Wii-U today, sadly the two games I was most interested in (Bayonetta 2 and Splatoon) were sold out at the moment. I was hoping to get some older games, but the Virtual Console selection on the Wii-U is disappointingly bare.
And annoyingly that doesn't seem set to change. Even the 3DS is getting fewer and fewer Virtual Console releases. I can't believe they're being so slow in getting GBA games onto the Wii U too, we should be getting a game a week!

Have you considered downloading Bayonetta 2 and Splatoon? eShop prices can be steep but you can buy discounted eShop cards (usually save about 5-10%). I find some games like Splatoon are best as downloads because you can just quickly fire them up :)
And annoyingly that doesn't seem set to change. Even the 3DS is getting fewer and fewer Virtual Console releases. I can't believe they're being so slow in getting GBA games onto the Wii U too, we should be getting a game a week!

Have you considered downloading Bayonetta 2 and Splatoon? eShop prices can be steep but you can buy discounted eShop cards (usually save about 5-10%). I find some games like Splatoon are best as downloads because you can just quickly fire them up :)

I picked them both up via the eShop, then promptly had the wifi radio fail in my WiiU. I replaced it, and after chatting with Nintendo support, should have my ID and purchases transferred to the new Wii-U in a few days.
I'd choose Wii U + PS4 + XB1 + 3DS :)

I don't think I could do with only 2, would need at least 3 and the XB1 / PS4 could interchange but I'd want a Wii U and a 3DS for Nintendo exclusives.
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I've always liked Xbox 360 more than PS3 but it's pretty apparent that PS4 is getting much more support than XB1. So my vote would be to get a PS4.

I could be biased because my favourite game series is launching a new game (Street Fighter V) and is PS4/PC exclusive :(
For me, choosing between the Xbox One and PS4 would be a matter of which one costs less at the time. If they both cost the same, I'd just flip a coin. I really don't care which one I get, and I don't listen to the things fanboys have to say. But, if I really, really, really had to make the choice myself I'd get the Xbox One because I prefer the Xbox One controller over the PS4 controller.

In a perfect world, I'd have both. Then, I can get the best of both worlds.
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As of now, I'm playing games on my android device. (Asphalt 8) is one of my favorite game I always tend to play.
As of now, I'm playing games on my android device. (Asphalt 8) is one of my favorite game I always tend to play.


I was at the MS Store last week.

With all the XBox One demo consoles on huge wallscreens, the one up front on a large panel, and all the tablets and surface computers and laptops and large-screen All-In-Ones with many productivity AND game demos, the kids were all clamored around the Windows phones playing games on those.

They ignored playing games on the larger devices... :eek:

What's the deal?
Yup, Phone! is there anything that made you stunned? There are lot many who play games in their phones, so I do.
Yup, Phone! is there anything that made you stunned? There are lot many who play games in their phones, so I do.

You'd rather play on a phone over a Tablet, Desktop/Laptop, or console on a large screen?


I'm guessing it probably has to do with the new generation of kids being brought up by playing games on their phones, plus casual games are under $3 which makes parents happy. A $40 kid's game on a console is pricey, especially if the child looses interest in it after a few hours. A PC may be a bit pricey to play games on, and handheld consoles cost extra money when you already own a smartphone.

Makes sense nonetheless...
I have all of them, and all are good, but I tend to play the systems in the following order:

  • PS4 - Better graphics, better interface, frame rate, button and thumb stick feel. PS+ games are just terrible.
  • Xbox One - Halo, better thumb stick placement, Good Games with Gold games. Interface just stinks when compared to all the others.
  • Vita - Great for remote play, and some under rated games.
  • New 3DS - Not as many games interested me like I thought they would. Xenoblade is one reason I purchased
  • Wii U - Nice system, but my son controls this one. That is fine though. They have the best choice for 1st party and family friendly titles.
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