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macrumors G4
Original poster
Oct 31, 2009
I have an iPhone 7 running 10.2.1, and I'm mostly happy with it.

However, there is 2 odd thing I've noticed. When I check on my battery usage in settings, at the bottom it says, "iPhone has been plugged in since the last full charge." However, that simply isn't true. I've purposefully not plugged it in to see how long it'll go during normal usage, so I know for a fact it hasn't been plugged in.

I've also noticed this before.

Has anyone else seen this?

I know it isn't a big deal, and I don't plan on doing anything about it. Simply strikes me as odd.

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
I have an iPhone 7 running 10.2.1, and I'm mostly happy with it.

However, there is 2 odd thing I've noticed. When I check on my battery usage in settings, at the bottom it says, "iPhone has been plugged in since the last full charge." However, that simply isn't true. I've purposefully not plugged it in to see how long it'll go during normal usage, so I know for a fact it hasn't been plugged in.

I've also noticed this before.

Has anyone else seen this?

I know it isn't a big deal, and I don't plan on doing anything about it. Simply strikes me as odd.

Just checked my 7+ to see if it showed the same but it says "Time Since Last Full Charge".


macrumors G4
Original poster
Oct 31, 2009
Just checked my 7+ to see if it showed the same but it says "Time Since Last Full Charge".

Here's a screenshot, and the status can be seen at the bottom, but I know 100% that it's untrue. I wonder what would cause that.



macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
Mine also does not have this issue. Is the phone maybe not truly charging to 100%? Or it doesn't think its reaching 100%?


macrumors 6502
Jul 27, 2014
I have an iPhone 7 running 10.2.1, and I'm mostly happy with it.

However, there is 2 odd thing I've noticed. When I check on my battery usage in settings, at the bottom it says, "iPhone has been plugged in since the last full charge." However, that simply isn't true. I've purposefully not plugged it in to see how long it'll go during normal usage, so I know for a fact it hasn't been plugged in.

I've also noticed this before.

Has anyone else seen this?

I know it isn't a big deal, and I don't plan on doing anything about it. Simply strikes me as odd.

Yes, I've seen this on my iPhone. The answer is rather simple, you turned off your iPhone, which stops this usage timer and instead it shows that it has been plugged in. If you don't turn it off, the timer will work as usual.

Not sure why, but that's how it is.

Problem solved..?

Edit: Okay, your usage timer is still going, there is just this little hint at the bottom? That is definetely odd, because my timer disappears after I turn the iPhone off over night.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 27, 2014
Then I would go for the explanation that the iPhone wasn't really charged to 100%. The battery percentage shown on the iPhone does not equal the real charge of the battery, which you can see in tools like Coconut Battery. When the iPhone shows 100%, the battery is actually just over 97 or 98%.
Could you keep your phone on the charger for 30-60 more minutes after it reached the fake 100%?

Another idea -- have you used lightning headphones or other lightning accessories over that time? Maybe the iPhone just shows that hint when something was plugged in to the lightning port, even though it wasn't charging. Sounds stupid but possible in my opinion
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macrumors G4
Original poster
Oct 31, 2009
Indeed, after a rebeoot, the message "Usage times will be shown after iPhone is fully charged" appears.
[doublepost=1488543434][/doublepost]I generally charge my phone overnight, but with a newborn in the house there's been some sofa sleeping, so maybe I did disconnect from charger hastily.

I thought about the lightning port theory as well, but I do believe I've only use Bluetooth.
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