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macrumors newbie
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Feb 13, 2024
I’m seeing what seems to be the same laptop from 3rd party sellers at lower prices, typically around £200 less than Apple are selling for. Are these the same thing or does Apple price match?
Apple does not price match.

The main difference is you're beholden to the 3rd party return policy which may not be as good or convenient as dealing with Apple - ie. 14 day no questions asked easy, extended holiday return window, can bring to any Apple store. You can also take advantage of Apple's financing system/gift cards, deal with their trade in system, get cash back, and things like that.

Otherwise it's basically the same. Any warranty service is done through Apple.

I generally recommend people deal with Apple if they're not entirely sure about their purchase and may want to swap for another config as doing that is easy and painless. Or if they tend to have bad luck getting a perfect machine. Otherwise if you can save a bit beyond Apple's perks, go with a 3rd party.
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I’m seeing what seems to be the same laptop from 3rd party sellers at lower prices, typically around £200 less than Apple are selling for. Are these the same thing or does Apple price match?
28 days after the $2499 2023 MBP 16" M3 Pro was released BHPhoto & BestBuy offered it at $2249.

As I've been using Macs since 2000 I am comfortable enough to not consult Apple Geniuses and save myself $250.
As stated above, you still get full Apple warranty, geniuses and all. The difference comes down to purchase/returns.

Pretty much. One difference I've seen is in some B&M stores the salesperson doesn't know much about Apple and will push you to whatever gets the biggest commission or SPIF. Others, typically smaller ones, often have Apple users doing Apple sales. YMMV.

If you know what you want, get it where it is cheapest from an Apple Authorized Reseller. just double check the return policy. You get the same warranty and can add AppleCare through Apple if you want it.
I sadly missed out on the Best Buy sale on the M3 Pros last week. Once that $200/off sale comes back, I'm jumping on it. Doesn't hurt they are also offering $675 to trade in my 2019 16" MBP
Instead of Apple getting the retailer transaction profit, it goes to the third party. Apple needs every possible nickel. Pay more for the same product and buy direct. ;)

Else, the Mac is a Mac. If you buy new from anywhere (legit), it is a new Mac. If it has a problem, the same Apple warranty covers it. If you need AppleCare extended warranty, you can take the money you saved in the purchase (and then some) and buy AppleCare.

Reasons to buy direct:
  • Retailer return policy is not 14 days and you care about the return policy. Of course, some may be better than 14 days.
  • You have accumulated Apple gift card money to put towards the purchase... and nothing else in the foreseeable future to which to apply it.
  • You can get the employee discount direct or through a friend+.
  • Some kind of bundle promotion will get you something of value in the bundle that would otherwise cost more to buy after saving on the cost of the Mac at the other retailer.
  • Convenience/Trust superseding monetary savings?
  • Employer/Other is paying for it and has some kind of pre-established account with Apple.
  • Trade-in offer beats saving a little money elsewhere + considering whatever you might get for selling the trade-in yourself.
  • You absolutely want a config NOT available from the third party with the savings.
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Retailers have "sales" that are typical of the Apple discount price.

Apple has discount stores for various groups: educational, veterans. Also there are large buyer (corporation) prices. But many Apple product buyers are unaware of the discount Apple stores.

Some vendors, notably Costco, may have NOS that they blow out at low, low prices.
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