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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 21, 2017
I decided I was tired of having 2-3 tabs open for my different email accounts and having to deal with the office 365 UI... so I setup Mail on my Mac.

The performance was really bad at the first and it crashed a few times when setting up the accounts. I thought it might be because of the 5000+ emails I had so I started cleaning up! Got it down to less than 300 (thanks to the rules it didn't took that long.).

I was starting to get used to the UI and was enjoying it until I needed to send my first email... Trying to attach a small excel file froze the app and I had to force quit and restart. It worked the second time.

Anyway, overall the experience has been pretty bad. Never experienced anything like this with the web clients or with Outlook. I'll keep using it for some time and hope it gets better.

My Mac is getting old (2011 15" MPB) and I plan to replace it soon but no other apps I use have issues like that. It's an email client, it really shouldn't be too demanding.

Any Mail users experiencing similar issues? Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or am I just unlucky and it will get better?
In my case the Mail app works reasonably well with MS Exchange-type email; I've got two of those from work. IMAP for some reason isn't its strong side. The problem is that it just doesn't do spam detection in any meaningful way, also the rules-thingy never worked for me. Maybe I was too stupid to set it up.

Oh, yeah, it is often dog-slow and crashes. And it takes gigabytes of space on my HD.
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I haven't experienced any such attachment issues in Mail for as long as I can remember.

As far as spam goes, that is handled server-side by my email providers (Google & Office 365).
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Thank you both for your answer.

I have been too quick to judge it, after a few days it seems to work fine. A bit heavier then I thought it would but that's ok. It didn't crash again after that time.

There is one feature I find useless/annoying and it's the inline attachments.

Overall I'm quite happy I made the switch and love having all my mails in the same place.
On my system there are 8 email accounts in Apple Mail and so far there have been no issues. My system now is a 2015 MBP but previously had been a 2007 MBP. Again, never an issue with Apple Mail.

My mail resides on Google Mail so do not know how it would work with MS Exchange.
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