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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 19, 2012
Curious to know the traffic around this forum. Specifically the watch forum.

28, male, 42mm SS Classic Buckle, pro photographer
You forgot your watch model...

49, female, 38mm ss white sport band but will buy the soft pink when it's available separately, software engineer
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I'm 21 and I'm a "senior" in college studying Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing, and I'm a male lol.

Oh, and I got the 42mm Space Grey :apple: Watch Sport
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41, male, SS with Milanese loop, and I currently work as an Instructional Designer for a telecommunications company that interprets phone calls into signed language.
"...I'm 5-foot-8, 123 pounds. I have, uh, brown hair, blue eyes. I enjoy surfing, backgammon and men who aren't afraid to cry..."


In reality, I'm a 41-year-old male, 42mm Aluminum Sport White, computer technician.
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40, female, 38mm blue sport (also bought white/Milanese bands), software engineer (and mom).
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