I recently read thread and it got me thinking: How do you structure your backups?
I'm rather afraid of losing my thousands upon thousands of photos – and I've been close a few times – so now I have copies of them, and other files too of course, a variety of places.
I use Crashplan as my backup service and it automatically backs up my entire harddrive every Sunday at 4PM. So I've got my stuff locally on my rMBP, on an external harddrive and in the cloud on Crashplan's servers. Furthermore, I use Dropbox for random file storage.
So now I'm curious: How do you make sure that you don't lose anything?
I'm rather afraid of losing my thousands upon thousands of photos – and I've been close a few times – so now I have copies of them, and other files too of course, a variety of places.
I use Crashplan as my backup service and it automatically backs up my entire harddrive every Sunday at 4PM. So I've got my stuff locally on my rMBP, on an external harddrive and in the cloud on Crashplan's servers. Furthermore, I use Dropbox for random file storage.
So now I'm curious: How do you make sure that you don't lose anything?