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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2013
Thinking of treating my lady to a new 11" IPP this Xmas. She currently has the original iPad Air from 2013 so it will be quite an upgrade.

Pretty certain I'll get the keyboard to go with it, but I'm undecided if to get the pencil as well. She doesn't draw at all, isn't in to photos apps or anything. Figuring it'll probably be a waste of money, but when I went into the Apple Store this week I just loved the new pencil and how it attaches / charges.

I've got the original pencil with my 2016 iPad Pro, using it for note taking during meetings, but due to it's dumb charging method I don't use it as much these days (felt like the battery was always low at the most inconvenient of times).

Just wondered if anyone else has found they are using the new pencil a lot more for stuff other than drawing, now it's pretty much always there / always charged? If so, what do you use it for.
I love it for marking up documents. Just this afternoon I scanned in some test papers and interview notes using my iPhone, then opened them up on the iPad and marked them up with the pencil. All save instantly to OneDrive and available on my work laptop...
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I can barely draw stick figures but I like the idea of reviewing pdf and making notes. Like for my licensing exams, or policy documents I can make notes.

Also make to do list lol.

If anything buy it and return it if she doesn’t use it. Apple has extended returns until January something. If she doesn’t find it useful return and get your money back.
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I can't draw to save my life. I wanted the pencil to take notes during meetings. Also I love to annotate and note stuff in the books/articles I read so I use it for this too. I also used to brainstorm a lot with pen and paper so the iPad/pencil combo helps me there too.

And lastly I use it to color stuff in Procreate.
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Another use-case: when my wife was in hospital recently I was able to draw a sketch map showing car parking and the location of her ward, then email it to visitors. Just done with Notes.
Thanks for the replies. Did any of you have the pencil before, which you rarely used, but now have found you use the new pencil much more?

I love it for marking up documents. Just this afternoon I scanned in some test papers and interview notes using my iPhone, then opened them up on the iPad and marked them up with the pencil. All save instantly to OneDrive and available on my work laptop...

This seems very valid for her....she uses OneNote a lot, so could scan / mark them up in there and then it'd sync with her work computer....nice! :)

I wanted the pencil to take notes during meetings....

And lastly I use it to color stuff in Procreate.

Note taking / annotation stuff is very valid. Her colouring is MUCH better than her drawing, so could be something she gets into so she can de-stress.
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I use it for drawing, but I’ve also been using it for a digital bullet journal. It’s great for keeping track of everything I need to get done, jotting notes to myself, making grocery lists, etc. I like it enough that if it worked with the iPhone Xs, I’d fork over the ridiculous amount of money Apple wants for that phone just to be able to make notes on the go.
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Thanks for the replies. Did any of you have the pencil before, which you rarely used, but now have found you use the new pencil much more?

Yes, it’s much more ‘there’ than the first Pencil was. Always at hand on the device, always charged and ready to go.
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