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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 5, 2007
I'm trying to think, when am I without my phone in my pocket that I would need LTE on my Apple Watch?

As I think about upgrading to Series 3, what are some of the reasons your willing to pay $10 per month extra to have LTE on your watch?
  • Like Apples demo, pretty cool and even a safety feature if swimming or out in the middle of a lake.
  • I understand streaming Apple Music on runs, I use Spotify because my kids prefer it, although I like Apple music because they have content filters.

  • Maybe the gym working out but I'm not going to answer a speakerphone call in the middle of the gym? I would at least get texts or see who's calling but gym probably has Wi-Fi anyway.
So for those people that $10 extra per month was a factor in your decision but you bought LTE version anyway, what was your reasons/justifications?
I have to have 2 phones - this way I only have to carry one around with me- also it makes it easy for me to get phone calls/stay in touch/ not miss a call/text on personal phone (I have a very sick family member)
When you leave in a rush and forget your phone. It will come handy, but, how often does it happen to you? I my case maybe twice a year, more or less. Not sure $10 more per month is worth it.

I did get the LTE version but I think I will cancel the service after the initial 3 months. IMHO.

Of course, there many others that will use the watch LTE frequently. In those cases, it is definitely worth it.
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I’m not much of a runner, but the big use case for me is being able to go to the beach or a public pool and being able to stay in touch without having to leave my phone in my shoe hoping that no one comes by and takes it.

Same for being at a water park... or even an amusement park. Leave the phone behind, but still stay in touch.
For the times when a ultra light phone attached to your wrist is preferable. Or, when you just want to play Dick Tracy.
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I’m not much of a runner, but the big use case for me is being able to go to the beach or a public pool and being able to stay in touch without having to leave my phone in my shoe hoping that no one comes by and takes it.

Same for being at a water park... or even an amusement park. Leave the phone behind, but still stay in touch.

I like your thinking here. And it's true, sometimes we leave our iPhones behind because we can't always have them on us for every occasion, and having a watch with LTE and water resistance, gives you a little bit more insurance that you can put your iPhone in a safe spot.
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There are several threads already asking/answering this question. My response is simple. Women don't always have pockets. I blame make clothing designers for that. Nevertheless, that means that if I don't need a purse, I have to carry the phone in my hand. Which is OK, except for the fact that I'm disabled and walk with a crutch - so I don't necessarily want to carry something in my one free hand.

This will be, as @dolphin2421 put it, liberating. Can't wait for the Nike version on the fifth!
Buy the lte, and don’t pay for the service $10/ month until u want to use it

This is what I'll be doing, I don't see myself leaving my iPhone without the Apple watch anyway.

When you leave in a rush and forget your phone. It will come handy, but, how often does it happen to you? I my case maybe twice a year, more or less. Not sure $10 more per month is worth it.

I did got the LTE version but I think I will cancel the service after the initial 3 months. IMHO.

Of course, there many others that will use the watch LTE frequently. In those cases, it is definitely worth it.

Same here, just taking advantage of the initial free three months.
I have to have 2 phones - this way I only have to carry one around with me- also it makes it easy for me to get phone calls/stay in touch/ not miss a call/text on personal phone (I have a very sick family member)
This was one I did not think of, when forced to carry a work phone, this would be an excellent option!
I’m not much of a runner, but the big use case for me is being able to go to the beach or a public pool and being able to stay in touch without having to leave my phone in my shoe hoping that no one comes by and takes it.

Same for being at a water park... or even an amusement park. Leave the phone behind, but still stay in touch.

Another good scenario! Maybe not often enough for me to pay $10 each month.
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I am sticking with S2 and have been using wifi calling on watch for a long time.. going to Aquatica with grand kids I leave my phone in car and my watch remembers the open wifi in theme park. There are so many places my watch remembers the wifi such Starbucks, Denny's, Walmart, McDonald's, my job, etc etc and I receive calls and make way I am spending $10.00 a month for LTE
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After three days with this thing, I'd say the LTE is definitely worth it. My iPhone hasn't left the house yet. I've gone to a boot camp workout, running, grocery store, church, for walks, taking kids to school and some other stuff. It's so nice to walk out the door without a phone. If anything, it's made me realize how little I actually need a phone if I have the essentials (phone & iMessage) on a watch. I'd take the phone to the DMV if I knew I'd be line for a long time, or where I'd want to video the kids. So many times during the day when you don't really need a brick in your pocket.
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I’m planning on leaving my iPhone at home when I go out on a date with my wife. She hates it when I start reading something on my phone if we’re together.

This way, I can still triage my communications but the watch screen is too tiny to draw me in for more than about ten seconds.

Also, my pants look better without that big square in the pocket. And you’re much less likely to break your watch since it’s strapped to your wrist.

But the real reason I got my LTE watch was for running which I do at about 4 days per week.
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My killer LTE feature would be leaving my phone charging at home during mid day or the evening and just taking my apple watch to figure out some errands.

However I do worry about the LTE standby time. I don't want to charge my apple watch twice a day, it would be ridiculous.
It’s already been expressed here, but having the ability to stay in touch without carrying your phone is liberating and if you haven’t tried it, it’s a big deal.

I would also like to second the notion of how awesome this is for woman that have to wear business clothes. My wife has worked in a job for the last 2 years that require her to wear business attire. Her #1 complaint has been the lack of pockets in women’s business clothes and her inability to carry her phone with her. The LTE Watch is a huge help in solving this problem.
I always want the ability to have a camera with me, so the times when I'm somewhere without my phone don't justify the extra cost or monthly fee.
Some scenarios I can think of:

1. Date night with the wife
2. Walking the dog
3. Quick trip out/grocery store
4. Weddings (leave the iPhone at your hotel; one less thing to have in your pocket)
Mostly for the gym i could leave my phone home or in the locker i live 2 mins away from the gym. Also when im riding my electric skateboard ;) Oh and of course when in vacation at the beach or pool, but since roaming is not gonna work with the watch i will have to bring the phone at the beach or pool :/
Went to the gym today without my bulky iPhone in my pocket. It's been over 10 years since I went w/o a smartphone. And I wasn't disconnected from my world. In those 10+ years I have had a phone stolen, my phone has slipped from my pocket numerous times and fallen to the floor, and I ruined a light colored leather case when grease from a machine got on it.
I leave my phone at home now when I run, which is incredible, when I pick up my daughter from school, and when I head out on short errands. If I'm getting deodorant from Walmart or something I never look at my phone, haha, so now I can leave it at home. Nice. But mostly, it's an outdoor fitness boon
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