So, yeah, I regularly AirPlay video from an iPad 3 / iPhone 6 to my ATV to watch on my big screen. I'm talking about UK TV catch-up apps -(BBC iplayer, ITV Player, 4oD), and also YouTube.
I've done this for years and it's absolutely flawless. Every time. No buffering, no pausing, no interruptions. It's great and has been literally 100% of the time whatever version of iOS.
However I also AirPlay audio to the ATV which is connected to my hifi via an optical cable. I use the TuneIn and Spotify apps to AirPlay over radio and music. Its not bad, but it's far from flawless. I'll get occasional pauses, I'll get moments of silence, I'll get drop outs, I'll get buffering. It's always been this way and I doubt it's anything to do with the apps or my setup.
I don't get it. Surely AirPlaying HD video uses a hell of a lot more bandwidth / processing power and puts more strain on my old iPad 3 than a 128k audio stream? Why is video always flawless but audio isn't?
I've done this for years and it's absolutely flawless. Every time. No buffering, no pausing, no interruptions. It's great and has been literally 100% of the time whatever version of iOS.
However I also AirPlay audio to the ATV which is connected to my hifi via an optical cable. I use the TuneIn and Spotify apps to AirPlay over radio and music. Its not bad, but it's far from flawless. I'll get occasional pauses, I'll get moments of silence, I'll get drop outs, I'll get buffering. It's always been this way and I doubt it's anything to do with the apps or my setup.
I don't get it. Surely AirPlaying HD video uses a hell of a lot more bandwidth / processing power and puts more strain on my old iPad 3 than a 128k audio stream? Why is video always flawless but audio isn't?