As always, follow the money and you'll find your answer. Fact is, the Chinese jailbreak movement is funded by groups that run stores that profit off of pirated apps. Their market is mostly the Chinese--that the rest of the world benefits from their work is incidental. Even some western world based devs have commented on reddit that they make more money from Chinese customers & see more pirated downloads phoning home from that side of the world than all other countries combined.
And the Chinese mostly use Windows, by an extreme margin.
Consequently, there's little to no money to be had in making a Mac based tool, so it's not a high priority for the Chinese app stores. It took a month last time, and the Mac tool that was released was basically another group that stole TaiG's code to create it. If there was profit from doing that, they'll do it again...but I suspect they found there wasn't much. Most people probably went and found a Windows machine to use well before they finally brought a Mac version out. The longer they wait, the less they stand to make from it as that already tiny potential group of customers gets ever smaller when people find alternatives. So I suspect that since nothing has come out or even been rumored yet, we may not see a Mac version at all.
Because my elderly MacBook Pro has problems running a VM (it did actually manage to JB one device, though it was painful), last jailbreak I went an picked up a tiny bargain Windows laptop that's not capable of much beyond jailbreaking. Works like a dream. But there are other cheaper solutions out there--internet cafe? library? have someone else with a high speed connection download what you need to a flash drive so you can install a VM?
If you can't find a way to work around this kind of problem, then you're not very motivated to have a jailbreak--which is fine. Me, I'm not willing to wait past the point that a jailbreak is stable. Having a jailbroken phone with all the improved function that JB provides is too important to me to just sit around hoping for someone to build a Mac version when a perfectly good Windows version already exists.