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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 16, 2012
Sorry if this in the wrong section, I wasn't sure where to post it.
M1 2020.

My Macbook pro came with Monterey installed, I upgraded to Ventura via the auto option, and now Sonoma.
First thing, my camera is rubbish, it wouldn't focus, I also have a tremor.
As you can see, when I start my Mac up, the status bar starts to load, then jumps up to the left and back again, continuing to start up, it doesn't stop or anything as it loads, Just a normal boot.
It works fine, no problems.
*Way* before I upgraded (and I held off upgrading Ventura and now Sonoma for months), I had used the reinstallation option with Monterey the Mac OP came with due to one thing and another, and that's when it started after a reinstallation, so nothing to do with the other upgrades.
The Mac runs fine, it's just annoying that it does it.
It doesn't do it if you load it in safe mode.
Thanks for any replies.

Looks perfectly normal to me.
I wouldn't worry about it.

You might consider this; I think more and more people are discovering, with cooler, more energy efficient processors and better batteries these days, that you don't really need to shut down and boot up your mac as often as we used to do. Just close the lid if it's a laptop, or set displays to sleep after a period of inactivity as I do with my mac mini. It runs 24/7, and I only reboot when it's necessary.
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Looks perfectly normal to me.
I wouldn't worry about it.

You might consider this; I think more and more people are discovering, with cooler, more energy efficient processors and better batteries these days, that you don't really need to shut down and boot up your mac as often as we used to do. Just close the lid if it's a laptop, or set displays to sleep after a period of inactivity as I do with my mac mini. It runs 24/7, and I only reboot when it's necessary.
Ok, cheers for that.
I agree with you on shutting it down, I *rarely shut it down unless something I load needs a restart, besides that I'm not a fan of it re-starting if you when you open/lift the screen up, as you are not able to give the screen a wipe over, and clean the keys without it rebooting. (I like to keep mine clean)
It has just bugged me as to why it does it.
I hardly shut sown my last mac....and that was a mid 2009 model, that only gave up the ghost just after I bought this, it was a trooper, apart from the usual, new battery, and touchpad.
Thanks very much for taking the times to reply.
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