Just curious if, these days with fast SSDs, is 8GB enough?
When you're shopping for a new Mac and have the option to get more RAM (for more money), do you opt for higher RAM? Or, is 8GB pretty good for daily, non-professional but multi-user, use? I'm guessing with the 2018 Macs, the super fast SSDs that they have may make up for any slowdowns that having only 8GB RAM may create. And, let's assume, at least for the 2018 mini's sake, that the RAM was not user upgradeable - then what would you have done or what would you do?
If you're really a "light" user - just typical Safari, email, office productivity apps, personal photos, the occasional vacation video, etc. 8GB is perfectly fine. Apple offers the 8GB option for consumers that fit that usage (it's also a fine for basic home/small office "server" needs and other single usage situations like that).
Keep in mind that the vast, vast, vast majority of Macs
currently in use only have 8GB (or less) of RAM. There's no reason that even 5 years from now, 8GB won't be enough for basic usage (though I expect 16GB will be fairly standard in a few years).
Also, it's not so much about the number of apps, but the kind of apps. Counting up how many apps you have running at any given time is not how to ascertain memory needs or usage. You can have a ton of typical apps open with 8GB no issues... but use a single instance of FCPX or a Windows VM in Parallels, and 8GB can choke.
Do not worry about SSD "wear & tear" because of VM... the SSD will easily last 10+ years with typical usage.
16GB+ is a good idea for just about any usage more involved than that.
I'm planning on ordering a 2018 mini myself, and will get one with 16GB pre-installed. I used to be quite the tinkerer back in the day, but the 2018 mini's RAM installation is way too complicated for my time and patience these days... for me, it's just worth paying the Apple tax not to fuss with it. I can say with confidence that at least 90% of typical users would not venture to install RAM themselves simply because it's too complicated, involves too many tools, and they'd be worried they'd break something or not be able to put it back together.