Pun in what sense?iPhone 6 and 6 plus. He said it at the September event. It's not a deep question by any means, just something that's been nibbling at my brain for a bit. Was it a pun or was he being serious lol
Pun in what sense?
What was he talking about, the iPhone 6? If so then he was talking out of his rear. Aside from the screen size there isn't a whole load of difference between it and the 5S. Or the iPhone 5 for that matter. Yeah Apple Pay, yeah Touch ID etc. I use neither and my phone has both, so hardly essential or 'game changing'.
What was he talking about, the iPhone 6? If so then he was talking out of his rear. Aside from the screen size there isn't a whole load of difference between it and the 5S. Or the iPhone 5 for that matter. Yeah Apple Pay, yeah Touch ID etc. I use neither and my phone has both, so hardly essential or 'game changing'.
Lol so it's not a big change because *you* don't use it?
Was this an intended pun, or was he talking about it in general?
Here is the article, and the story is covered by other newspapers. Nothing is EVER 100% infallible or truly safe.
I am so jealous of my wife and her shiny new 5s over my 5c for one or two things.
Firstly Touch ID. Nothing more annoying than typing your password for every app install and its darn quick logging in!
Second the speed with better processor including the movement processor too!
Third- battery life, maybe it's early days but her battery is pretty good!
Roll on November for the iPhone 6!