It will never be free. You will be paying a higher monthly fee for your plan than if you buy the phone at full price up front. All in all it will just about even out over the 2 years of a contract.
It will never be free. You will be paying a higher monthly fee for your plan than if you buy the phone at full price up front. All in all it will just about even out over the 2 years of a contract.
I would expect the phone to free on contract with the iphone 7 if you are with Verizon who has not given up on contract pricing.
Depending on your plan it might not really be costing anything extra to you, and in fact getting one for $300 could cost more if your monthly price still remains the same with owned equipment (which is the case for many older plans)."Free" phone options are the worst.
Any time a carrier offers you a "FREE" phone, it's old enough that you can just go out and buy it for around $300.
The "free" phone you get from your carrier adds at least $450 to your bill and locks you into a contract.
Also how is the call quality on the 5s compared to the 5c.
Thank you all for your time.
Why not? Someone might want a smaller phone that works for them which performs fairly similar to 6 or 6+.Get 6+ or at least a 6...