i live in belgium and my english is not so good!
But my old mac 2014 version is getting old and slow... so i wanted to buy a now one..
but when looking on internet i saw that there was a new mac book pro coming out?
but when will this be? what should i do? wait of not?
what will be the differences between the 2017 version? he will have 32 RAM and the 2017 version has 16 RAM i think!
i use my mac to work with photoshop, illustrator, lightroom, premiere and cinema4D!
i live in belgium and my english is not so good!
But my old mac 2014 version is getting old and slow... so i wanted to buy a now one..
but when looking on internet i saw that there was a new mac book pro coming out?
but when will this be? what should i do? wait of not?
what will be the differences between the 2017 version? he will have 32 RAM and the 2017 version has 16 RAM i think!
i use my mac to work with photoshop, illustrator, lightroom, premiere and cinema4D!