Anyone else wondering where these are? They were part of the promotional videos shown during the keynote.
I'm guessing pulled for battery impact. Apple can probably rework it and get it to us in an update later.
I'm thinking the same thing, but at the same time, I'm asking myself - what battery impact? The Astronomy watchface calculates realtime positions, draws shadows on textured objects. The Mickey watchface animates continuously. The Photo watchface is just a photo... ?
I'm thinking the same thing, but at the same time, I'm asking myself - what battery impact? The Astronomy watchface calculates realtime positions, draws shadows on textured objects. The Mickey watchface animates continuously. The Photo watchface is just a photo... ?
I'm thinking the same thing, but at the same time, I'm asking myself - what battery impact? The Astronomy watchface calculates realtime positions, draws shadows on textured objects. The Mickey watchface animates continuously. The Photo watchface is just a photo... ?
As long as we're throwing out speculations, my guess is that Apple is concerned about the appearance of their new jewelry tech product being shown around the interwebz with p0rn on the watch face. I know you can set any photo you want as a background on your iPhone... just my speculation. It may get relaxed once the initial hype is over in WatchOS 1.1
As long as we're throwing out speculations, my guess is that Apple is concerned about the appearance of their new jewelry tech product being shown around the interwebz with p0rn on the watch face. I know you can set any photo you want as a background on your iPhone... just my speculation. It may get relaxed once the initial hype is over in WatchOS 1.1
To your own point - couldn't you say the same about the iPhone and iPad?
And I did... I think it may relax and come back after the first waves of the release into the wild. For those that want a p0rn screen on their watch (for whatever reason) will find a way.
I'm thinking the same thing, but at the same time, I'm asking myself - what battery impact? The Astronomy watchface calculates realtime positions, draws shadows on textured objects. The Mickey watchface animates continuously. The Photo watchface is just a photo... ?