Years ago I had a Flickr account but really didn't use it for anything "serious" and easily let it go when things were changing there anyway. I use Zenfolio for posting images to my personal galleries, having previously used Smugmug for the same purpose. At one time this was the best way to share images on other sites, by "hotlinking." Now that is no longer necessary, as most of us can simply upload right from our computers to whatever site where we want to share images.
Many years ago when I first began using Nikon digital cameras I became a member of that site, and although I no longer use Nikon, I still participate there anyway. I belong to a couple of sites which specifically focus on the brand that I am now using, Sony. I'm sure that there are also discussion sites for those who use Canon as their gear. Lots to learn from sharing and seeing what others share who ar using the same brand as one is.....
With regard to more generalized sites, as Molly mentioned, there is Glass. I'm a member there but not really all that active. Once in a while when I think of it I'll pop in and will have a look around, appreciate someone else's work, maybe toss an image or two of mine into one of the various categories but that is the extent of my participation there.
I do think Glass is on the right track by encouraging interaction among members but not allowing "likes" and that crap. If someone genuinely appreciates someone else's image there is ample opportunity to express their thoughts and start up a conversation between two (or sometimes more) artists, without all that silly "reaction" score junk.
There is also the recently saved-by-the-bell DPR (Digital Preview Review) as a more generalized site, but it really is more of a gear-oriented site as opposed to an image-sharing one per se, although some people do post images there as well. DPR is the place to go when one wants to learn more about a specific brand, a specific model of camera body, a specific lens.....both from reading the reviews provided at the site and the comments and posts from users of the gear who are members of the site.
Instagram? No thanks! I am leery of that site and always have been. As for TikTok, isn't that primarily for participants (mostly younger people) sharing video clips? Films of themselves dancing, putting on makeup, styling hair, acting silly, singing, whatever?
Aside from looking for sites which emphasize a particular brand, I would guess that there also may be web-based discussion forums which really are more focused on one or more photographic still-photography genres or styles? For instance, landscape photography or portrait photography.....or in your case, since you mention street photography, there may be a group which is especially interested in discussing that and sharing images. Worth checking around, doing some Googling, anyway!
MR is primarily a technical forum with its main focus on Apple products, of course, but we are fortunate to have this nice Digital Photography subforum here as well, and many members with all kinds of gear and varying skill levels have participated here through the years.