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macrumors member
Original poster
May 29, 2020
I know, right? Its a passive adapter, it just should not be that tough.

I did discover that ADC cables are not so tough to find, so you could hypothetically cannabalize an ADC cord and an HDMI or DVI cord and make a DIY adapter that way. This was not an option for me as my handywork is... not terribly handy.

But, that said, ADC to DVI to HDMI worked without a hiccup(I currently have the ADC adapter hooked to a cable thats DVI on one end and HDMI on the other).
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macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2021
Marion, IA
All this discussion is great (yes, very late to the party but…) I have a 2009 MacBook Pro with a mini display port and an Apple Studio Display. I would likely need to buy a DVI to mini port adapter and then an ADC to DVI adapter to hook them all up. And to chime in, it IS ridiculous that an adapter would cost more than a compatible monitor but that’s a supply and demand thing. Apparently these adapters stopped being made years ago so those that have them can ask anything they want for those that want them.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 30, 2015
Hmm, seems about the same prices as they were when I got mine in 2015. Actually saw one attached to a Apple Studio Display, but I had no use for it or another monitor--this was at a thrift store, and I think it was around $20-30. Been several weeks.
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