If you don’t mind banding, then JPEG may be fine for you. Others have more demanding needs and standards.JPG banding? So what. It's a snapshot.
Jpg forever.
The iPhone is a snapshot point & shoot camera. Don't waste your time or storage shooting raw. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear so they say.
Shooting RAW on an iPhone is like shooting RAW on a point & shoot. The quality isn't there from the beginning and no amount of pixel pushing afterwards can change that — though it might be able to be massaged a bit to look a tad better.
I choose JPG because eventually you'll run into compatibility issues with HEIF with some device or place.
JPG banding? So what. It's a snapshot.
What app are you going to use the photo in? Most phones will auto convert whenever you pick a photo through the gallery/app.All my photos are in HEIC format. I need to convert photos to jpg. What are the best solutions? Thanks
Windows 10 supports HEIC.I've exported photos in HEIC format on my PC. I need to convert all photos to JPG.
Quick question on this subject; last year I bought the iPhone SE 2020. It was set to HEIC when I started using it. However, I use the standalone Lightroom 6 to catalogue my photos on my Mac and HEIC was not compatible with that. Also, at the time, I could not upload any HEIC photos onto the forums on here. That may have changed now, I don't know. Therefore, I switched back to JPG which I'm still using now.
I read some forums where people were suggesting HEIC was problematic (probably people who had encountered the problems I had). Storage on my iPhone is not an issue for me as I will take a load of photos and Airdop them to my Mac and remove most of them from my iPhone.
Is there a way I can get Lightroom 6 to work with HEIC without upgrading to one of Adobe's monthly plans?
I think you're stuck on that one - LR didn't support HEIC until ver. 7.4 or 7.5. I believe you could use Adobe's free DNG converter and convert the HEIC files to DNG but you can't use the base HEIC files in LR 6.