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Which iOS/Android combo for kid?

  • iOS Phone + Android Tablet

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • Android Phone + iOS Tablet

    Votes: 15 71.4%

  • Total voters


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
My 11 year old son for some reason likes to use both iOS and Android ecosystems. He got a little bit of birthday money the other day he'd like to have a small tablet as well as a smartphone. I don't think it matters which one is iOS and which is Android, but the other device would be the opposite. For wireless, we have T-Mobile.

A couple of combos I was considering are:

A.) iPhone 5 32gb (from his sister for $250...she upped to the 5s) + Asus MeMO 7 16gb tablet ($130).

B.) LG L90 phone 4.7" screen ($100) + 32gb sd card ($20) + iPad Mini 2 16gb WiFi ($250).

Trying to keep the total at right around $350-$375. What do you think is better? Any other good iOS/Android options? Thanks!


macrumors 68000
Sep 16, 2014
Seattle, WA
Out of the two options, I'd say iPhone + Android tablet. Most people who use both platforms like Android for the customization, and what better way to take advantage of that than on a large screen?

With that kind of budget, I'd say go for the Sony Xperia Tablet Z. Prices are dropping rapidly with the release of the Xperia Tablet Z2. You still get the waterproof functionality, Full HD display, only 1 pound, DDR3 RAM, and Sony's clean interface.


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
I would go with an Android phone and an iPad. The apps are better for iOS tablets than Android tablets.


macrumors 6502
Mar 26, 2012
Lakeland Fl
The iPad Mini 2 Refurb at $250 is a steal, do that. Also try and get a Moto G instead of that LG crap. The Moto G is an excellent device. The pair would land you right at $400 give or take but it's probably the best bang around that budget


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
The iPad Mini 2 Refurb at $250 is a steal, do that. Also try and get a Moto G instead of that LG crap. The Moto G is an excellent device. The pair would land you right at $400 give or take but it's probably the best bang around that budget

Agreed. The Moto G is only $180 off contract.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
Moto G looks nice, but kinda blows the budget if I were to add the iPad Mini 2. Unless I had him go all Android and get a Nexus 7 or something.


macrumors 68000
Oct 11, 2011
Moto G looks nice, but kinda blows the budget if I were to add the iPad Mini 2. Unless I had him go all Android and get a Nexus 7 or something.

eBay or swappa. Might be able to get it significantly cheaper. It's a great phone.


Dec 5, 2009
The Tri-State Area
I'd also suggest the Moto G and iPad mini 2. Keep an eye out for when you can get a good deal on the iPad then snag it really quick. That way both devices will be decent and not a chore to use.


macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2007
Android phone with an iPad. There are some nice android phones for cheap, but most cheap android tablets are crap.


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2012
My 11 year old son for some reason likes to use both iOS and Android ecosystems. He got a little bit of birthday money the other day he'd like to have a small tablet as well as a smartphone. I don't think it matters which one is iOS and which is Android, but the other device would be the opposite. For wireless, we have T-Mobile.

A couple of combos I was considering are:

A.) iPhone 5 32gb (from his sister for $250...she upped to the 5s) + Asus MeMO 7 16gb tablet ($130).

B.) LG L90 phone 4.7" screen ($100) + 32gb sd card ($20) + iPad Mini 2 16gb WiFi ($250).

Trying to keep the total at right around $350-$375. What do you think is better? Any other good iOS/Android options? Thanks!

Smart kid ^^


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I would say get a cheap Android phone and invest in an iPad for the larger tasks. I am yet to find an Android tablet that even comes close to an iPad, however kids are probably more careless with phones (generalisation) so I would invest in cheaper Android model. It'll do all the things an iPhone will do and won't break the bank if its lost or damaged :)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
He's trying out his sister's old iPhone 5 for now (since we have it in-hand). If I were him, I think I'd go for the Android phone and iPad Mini 2 combo mainly because both devices are larger compared to the other combo I posed.

However, as a Dad, I do like him having an iPhone since when out of the house, that is what he'd have with him and while I know to send him a message via Hangouts or just a standard text, his mother may not remember and she'll send him a message from her MacBook and get ticked when he doesn't reply. I'll just have to get her on board to remember to use Hangouts when sending him messages ;)


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
The iPad Mini 2 Refurb at $250 is a steal, do that. Also try and get a Moto G instead of that LG crap. The Moto G is an excellent device. The pair would land you right at $400 give or take but it's probably the best bang around that budget
Nice combo! Like that this will give a kid exposure to both and let them decide which is a better fit for them....


He's trying out his sister's old iPhone 5 for now (since we have it in-hand). If I were him, I think I'd go for the Android phone and iPad Mini 2 combo mainly because both devices are larger compared to the other combo I posed.

However, as a Dad, I do like him having an iPhone since when out of the house, that is what he'd have with him and while I know to send him a message via Hangouts or just a standard text, his mother may not remember and she'll send him a message from her MacBook and get ticked when he doesn't reply. I'll just have to get her on board to remember to use Hangouts when sending him messages ;)
I have been there with iPhones and my kids. They always got my hand me downs. I also loved having "find my phone" as an option to ensure he was where he said he was and incase....God forbid I should ever have to really find him.....


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
I did wind up picking up that cheap LG Optimus L90 from Best Buy at lunch (they price-matched the $99.60 from T-Mobile). Charging it up for him at work. Seems like a decent phone so far, but haven't really put it through any paces. Nice size screen for a cheap price. We'll see.

Just out of curiosity for comparison purposes, what is a good free benchmark program that can be run on iOS and Android? Obviously different downloads, but wondering if the results really would be fair comparing the Snapdragon 400 to the A6 in the iPhone 5. Thanks.

Moto G

macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2014
I'd say this - let your kid be a kid, go out and play on their bike, graise their knees, go fishing... let them be a child and don't drag them into the world of mind-numbing, consumer-driven digital consumption that early.

I hope you don't take that as a blight on your parenting - I am certain you are a kind, loving and careful parent - I just can't stand seeing young children sitting around in a trance, using technology as a substitute for REAL PHYSICAL experiences of life.

Take care :)


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
I'd say this - let your kid be a kid, go out and play on their bike, graise their knees, go fishing... let them be a child and don't drag them into the world of mind-numbing, consumer-driven digital consumption that early.

I hope you don't take that as a blight on your parenting - I am certain you are a kind, loving and careful parent - I just can't stand seeing young children sitting around in a trance, using technology as a substitute for REAL PHYSICAL experiences of life.

Take care :)

What you describe is definitely the priority, but here in Chicago area, the days are starting to get short and cold. His basketball season is around the corner and he's getting ready each day as much as he can. But hard to find other ways to pass the time when dark out after activities and studies.

Moto G

macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2014
What you describe is definitely the priority, but here in Chicago area, the days are starting to get short and cold. His basketball season is around the corner and he's getting ready each day as much as he can. But hard to find other ways to pass the time when dark out after activities and studies.

I can think of many activities to keep onself entertained, which wouldn't involve computer technology. Look at how content the Amish are... how content "The Waltons" were (granted, it's a TV show - but the morals were bang on) - noone NEEDS this technology to be happy... but I digress... buy him some canvases and some paints... a soldering iron, a BIG bag of components and a good book on electronics... ANYTHING to spare him the mind-numbing tedium of passive consumption syndrome, and all the associated distractions it brings. :)

God bless you, and your family, my friend.


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
All my kids have their own iPod touch besides my newborn.

They love it.

I wouldn't get them android devices.

As they get older they will get iPhones.
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