My wife has an iPad mini 3 and I have the original iPad Air. Both are starting to feel a bit sluggish on iOS 10 so we are thinking of upgrading and giving our old devices to our kids who are stuck with an iPad mini 2 and an ancient iPad 3.
MacRumors posted a story today about new iPads probably not coming until the Spring. With how infrequent we upgrade iPads, do you think it would be better to wait for the next round of updates or jump into something that exists today?
I think my wife will probably drop the mini for a larger screen and I was eyeing the 12" Pro model.
Edit: to change iPaid Air 2 to iPad mini 2. The kid is not going to have a better iPad than his mom or dad!
My wife has an iPad mini 3 and I have the original iPad Air. Both are starting to feel a bit sluggish on iOS 10 so we are thinking of upgrading and giving our old devices to our kids who are stuck with an iPad mini 2 and an ancient iPad 3.
MacRumors posted a story today about new iPads probably not coming until the Spring. With how infrequent we upgrade iPads, do you think it would be better to wait for the next round of updates or jump into something that exists today?
I think my wife will probably drop the mini for a larger screen and I was eyeing the 12" Pro model.
Edit: to change iPaid Air 2 to iPad mini 2. The kid is not going to have a better iPad than his mom or dad!
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