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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 25, 2016
Hi there, i try to be full time ipad pro M4 13 user. I used it very often with my studio display which is located at my workroom. I dont use any prof. software, just RDP to connect to my windows pc at work , youtube, safari, office etc .

In some situations ( once pre month ) for example i need to connect to my cryptosw or to goverment sites etc( i cant. do it at my work pc )
I have a idea to buy some basic M1 mac mini, connect it straight with cable to my router which is located at living room without connecting to monitor and leave it like remote desktop machine) What is best software for this purpose( local et remote dekstop streaming) ? Do someone have experience with this? how fluid is it ? So f.. sometimes when i need to connect to mac mini i will connect my ipad to studio monitor and then via local network to mac mini which will be connected straight to the router. I dont want to have connected mac mini straight to my monitor (because of minimalist desk setup, cables etc)


macrumors G3
Jun 7, 2015
Seattle WA
I use Jump Desktop and it works great with my Windows machines and iPads and is Mac-compatible. I also have Splashtop and TeamViewer but found Jump to be the best for me.


macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2023
Jump Desktop, hands down. When it's possible to route the connection locally, that's what it does and it's very fast.
I use their Fluid protocol and it's been flawless so far.
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