Hi, this seems to be the only place on the web about this specific issue. I am trying to figure it out with reference to a single-proc early 2009.
Let me summarize the knowledge above.
Apple uses system of EEE codes to identify parts compatibility. the EEE code is embedded in the part SN. the mac pro 4,1 early 2009 came with version 1 and version 2 backplane boards, which have differing sets of EEE codes.
the theory is you match the processor tray EEE code to the backplane EEE code to know if a unit is interoperable. however, by match, they do not mean the codes are the same, they mean they crossreference successfully. vendors publish the EEE codes of the various parts but no one seems to have published a crossreference guide.
mobo v 1 p/n, EEE codes: 661-4996 - 1LT, 7A1
mobo v 2 p/n, EEE codes: 661-5444 - CV7, DD4G
single proc model proc tray 3.66mhz P/N, EEE code: 661-4999 - 4MF, BY0, DCVJ
Earlier in this thread, a dual-proc tray with SN J5942024L1LUE was referenced as having EEE code 1LU. That poster noted,
"Your processor board EEE code is the first 3 of the last 4 letters, i.e. 1LU. The 661-4996 lists 1LT as part of its EEE code, and that's a match according to the
cited link."
I added the link in the quote for clarity.
I have examined the cited link, and can find no source to correlate the EEE codes 1LT to 1LU.
The cited link includes this:
"Now when you see a listing with a mention EEE code in case of the QUAD G5 logic board you will see a list of all the possible once R80, UM0, UR0, URA, VU7, VU8 you only need to match one of them. And if you currently have UM0 and get R80 that is no problem."
Is the in-thread poster who notes 1LT and 1LU as a match interpreting the phrase "you only need to match one of them" to indicate a single-letter position match in the EEE code is a match?
Finally, after gathering the EEE codes for v1 and v2 and for the single-proc boards, I don't think the match is actually a 1-to-1 match, I think it must be a lookup. Is this correct? Apparently there is no comprehensive lookup resource online. Is that correct?
Thanks in advance for your clarifications.