As an incredibly satisfied owner of 3 MBAs since 2011, I can say the 2013 MBA was the best computer I have ever owned! I finally succumbed to the temptation to buy a MBP with Touchbar this year due to a need to increase storage capacity. I can still say the MBA is the best computer I have ever owned! The MBP keyboard is too noisy and the huge touchpad causes lots of errors and jumping around as I type with no away to decrease the sensitivity of the touchpad. The 2016 MBP is a fine computer, but I disobeyed my cardinal rule of NOT buying any first gen product, including an Apple product. And now the MBA is rumored to be on the Apple chopping block. Indeed this segment of the MR blog, to which this thread is posted, seems to be increasingly stagnant with very sparse new threads and posts... So, this leads me to the question in the title-- to the MR staff as well as readers. If the MBA is going away can the demise of this segment of the MR blog be far behind? What will replace it?