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I think we can rule MacOS 9.2 out due to TLS, unless someone's got some srs haxor skills or creativity or both.


Internet Explorer 5

Netscape Navigator 4.7
It looks like the earliest box we could get MR to work on would be a 10.4 Mac w/ TenFourFox.

TFF looks like it has versions that go all the way back to G3 chips. The earliest machine, IIRC, that meets these requirements is the PowerMac G3 (Blue and White).
Holy nostalgia, Batman!

How about this?


(yes, this site is still online RN)
I don't have any of my old hardware available to try myself but I have an idea for someone else to try. You could likely use a very old (e.g. 7.5.x) mac terminal application to telnet to a new macOS with TLS and the make the post using Lynx, cURL, or some other means!
Is this something recent?! :eek: I was able to access MacRumors no problem from 9.2 and Classilla on my Power Macintosh 8600 G4 Upgrade since I was last on it about 3-4 months ago o_O

Looks like it really may have been that recent. Bummer this thread didn't pop up before. We could have really had some good fun with this! :oops::)

I don't have any of my old hardware available to try myself but I have an idea for someone else to try. You could likely use a very old (e.g. 7.5.x) mac terminal application to telnet to a new macOS with TLS and the make the post using Lynx, cURL, or some other means!

That's what I'm thinking... this would be the only way to get something like this to work RN. It wouldn't even have to be another Mac. Any ol Linux server could act as an intermediary...

Do you suppose there's any old SSH applications for classic around/made? I vaguely recall one named "BetterTelnet" but IDK if that would even work it what protocols that apply action supported. I guess I should go check macintosh garden... ;)
I recall at the start of 2012 I was able to get 240p youtube videos to run on an imac g3 with no workarounds on Panther. Comfortably use a G5 and even run these forums relatively smooth on my 400 MHZ Sawtooth G4. Sadly the internet in general has gotten way too flashy.
The forum will fallback as far as TLS 1.0 but SSL is not available. Wonder when that changed? As @tevion5 says, there were screen shots in the collector's forum of the forum page in older browsers fairly recently.
It looks like Tiger or Leopard with a TFF or Leopard Webkit might be as far back as we can go.

Of course, that's no issue for @tevion5 and I with our G4 upgraded 8600s, but that's not exactly a stock "old Mac." I can run Leopard on my 9600/200MP (thanks @LightBulbFun ) but TFF doesn't work.

It's a shame Clasilla will no longer work.

This is far from the oldest computer that will work, but at least here's a pre-Intel Mac screenshot taken today.

Picture 19.png

I am typing this from a "Brand new" Mac mini that I just bought. It was last updated in 2014. Thats pretty old.

Around here, 2014 is new.

My main computer is a 2012 MBP(the last and best pre-Retina model). It does everything I want it to do and has been plenty fast since I installed the SSD. I don't have any immediate replacement plans-I'm waiting on Apple to figure out where they're going and what they're trying to do with Portables.

My office computer is a 2006(1,1) Mac Pro, albeit upgraded close to as much as that model can be upgraded. It could run El Capitan but not Sierra. I'm considering another Mac Pro, but it will be a 5,1(last generation "cheese grater") unless Apple wows us with the next generation of MP and I can afford it. Heck, the trash can is getting long in the tooth now.

This was posted from the early '05 G5 screen capped above. It was typed on a c. 1990 Apple Extended Keyboard. I like the Extended Keyboard much better than the Extended II, albeit not as much as the IBM/Lexmark/Unicomp Model M. I have a Unicomp Spacesaver M on my work computer.
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Wait - what ? Did I Miss something ? o_O :eek:

I think we can rule MacOS 9.2 out due to TLS, unless someone's got some srs haxor skills or creativity or both.


Bettered you have been ;) typing this up from the G4 Pismo if I can get the PowerBook G3 Kanga to play ball I will do that if anyone beats the pismo :)
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Wait - what ? Did I Miss something ? o_O :eek:


Wait - what ? Did I Miss something ? o_O :eek:



Ahh... it appears that Classilla can't load the MR main site, but can load
[doublepost=1495291619][/doublepost]Checking in from a '99 tangerine colored iBook.

Top that.

Picture 8.jpg
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Posted from a G4-upgraded Lombard running 9.2.2. One with a G3 should still be fine, albeit somewhat slower.

I'm using an Orinoco Gold WiFi card to connect-this is recognized natively as an Airport card, and I've seen some information that the original Airport cards were re-branded Orinoco. Interestingly enough, though, I had issues in Tiger on this computer with the card.

I don't have Metronome installed to report the real speed of the processor, but it's 500mhz.

Picture 1.png

[doublepost=1495327896][/doublepost]And in the spirit of one-upping myself, I'm posting this from the 9600/200MP.

Picture 13.png

[doublepost=1495328473][/doublepost]And in the spirit of "pics or it didn't happen"-here's my 9600.

I actually hadn't had it on for a while, although it sits next to the G5 I use all the time. I borrowed one of the ACDs to connect to it(via the handy DVI port on the 9200). The internet connection is shared from Airport on the G5.

BTW, it should be theoretically possible to post to here from any PowerPC Mac since all will run OS 8.6. With that said, given how slow the 9600 was, I can't imagine a 66mhz 7100, for example.

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Posted from a G4-upgraded Lombard running 9.2.2. One with a G3 should still be fine, albeit somewhat slower.

I'm using an Orinoco Gold WiFi card to connect-this is recognized natively as an Airport card, and I've seen some information that the original Airport cards were re-branded Orinoco. Interestingly enough, though, I had issues in Tiger on this computer with the card.

I don't have Metronome installed to report the real speed of the processor, but it's 500mhz.

View attachment 700451
[doublepost=1495327896][/doublepost]And in the spirit of one-upping myself, I'm posting this from the 9600/200MP.

View attachment 700452

[doublepost=1495328473][/doublepost]And in the spirit of "pics or it didn't happen"-here's my 9600.

I actually hadn't had it on for a while, although it sits next to the G5 I use all the time. I borrowed one of the ACDs to connect to it(via the handy DVI port on the 9200). The internet connection is shared from Airport on the G5.

BTW, it should be theoretically possible to post to here from any PowerPC Mac since all will run OS 8.6. With that said, given how slow the 9600 was, I can't imagine a 66mhz 7100, for example.

View attachment 700453

I'm not exaggerating when I say that it took at least a solid two-three minutes for this page to render on my 300 MHz iBook.

This page would be brutal on a 7100. If not the processor choking, it would probably run out of RAM before it finished loading the page content.

But if I had one, I'd definitely try it. :)

Also/Sidenote: I love seeing your 9600 there. I'm really hoping that the new Mac Pro has some semblance of the late old-world PPC's, or the G3/G4 towers.
This page would be brutal on a 7100. If not the processor choking, it would probably run out of RAM before it finished loading the page content.

But if I had one, I'd definitely try it. :)

I have two of them. I've never booted one, and the other is running 8.1.

If I feel so inclined, I'll dig one out and upgrade it to 8.6 sometime this week. That's not a promise, though. I should probably do the one I've never booted, assuming it actually works :) . It was given to me along with a bunch of other Macs-it's actually in a Quadra 800 case.

My one that I know works I think has around 64mb of RAM. I know I did put some in it at one point.

I also have a PowerBook 520C with a 133mhz 603 PPC Processor-I'd be interested to see if there's a way to get 8.6 on it.

I do have AAUI adapters, so can get either of these on the network.

In the short term, I do have a 6500 already upgraded to 9.2.2 that would work. It's a 603 at I think 120mhz. There's also the 120mhz 8500, although it's a 604. At the end of the day, though, I don't know how much of a difference it makes :)
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Power Macintosh 8600 woz ere.

Stock, this is a 1997 system. You all had me worried this didn't work!

(G4 450MHz, 1GB RAM, Radeon 9200 128MB, Mac OS 9.2.2)

---Photo added using iPhone---

View attachment 700526

She's a beauty! :) :) :)
I have two of them. I've never booted one, and the other is running 8.1.

If I feel so inclined, I'll dig one out and upgrade it to 8.6 sometime this week. That's not a promise, though. I should probably do the one I've never booted, assuming it actually works :) . It was given to me along with a bunch of other Macs-it's actually in a Quadra 800 case.

My one that I know works I think has around 64mb of RAM. I know I did put some in it at one point.

I also have a PowerBook 520C with a 133mhz 603 PPC Processor-I'd be interested to see if there's a way to get 8.6 on it.

I do have AAUI adapters, so can get either of these on the network.

In the short term, I do have a 6500 already upgraded to 9.2.2 that would work. It's a 603 at I think 120mhz. There's also the 120mhz 8500, although it's a 604. At the end of the day, though, I don't know how much of a difference it makes :)

Oh my god if you did that it would probably be the post that ends the challenge. It sounds like a lot of effort, but if you do it will have me like wow.

Let us know how far you get and what trouble you run into. I think for most of us it would be just finding an AAUI adapter to use (I'd probably check eBay myself).
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