My husband gave me one for my Christmas/anniversary gift (I opened early, couple weeks now). I've really enjoyed it so far, seems like everyday I like it more and more.
I usually keep my I-Devices for 2-3 years and this was an upgrade from an IPad 4, (which still runs great) but the IPP...just makes me smile every time I pick it up, here's hoping it holds up as well as the ipad4 has. I had to wait a week or so on the Pencil but finally got it from Best Buy, just wowed by it too. Using a very inexpensive "smart" case (a one piece Smart Cover with back) that I found on Amazon...its thin and sleek and for 12.95, well sooooo worth it, put a ICarez HD clear film screen protector on it, and I'm not kidding...great screen protector, no rainbow effect, no distorting, can't even tell there is one on except it does give a little extra tooth for the pencil, not much but just enough. Awesomeness all in all.
So this has to be the Best. Gift. Ever. I have a great husband who spoils me for sure!