Alright - some more refined courses, check em out if you like (comments appreciated!):
Moon 1-1 - 7148 0000 051 CB8D
Doing a Moon World, this is 1-1. Entering the space ship and arrival on the moon. Each level will get a little boss fight, so
be prepared!
Composition in Black / 3x1Up - BE09 0000 0055 F6D2
A wee bit challenging (but if still way too easy, try finding those 3x1Ups! looking at you
@Lennholm )
Things I dearly miss (more assets and themes (woods!!) not included):
Being able to create a set of uploaded courses with a fixed order. That way a world could be created + a "world-map" from the 10 Mario Challenges (preferable with the possibility to tint it in different colors).
A way to easily tag a course I've played, but didn't finish. There are really cool one's, but quite demanding. I don't mind dying but I'd like to be able to tag it so I can try finishing it another time again. Maybe I missed that function though.
I see why that's not possible, but it's a bit annoying that I can't do (minor) changes to already uploaded levels. I wouldn't mind if that (stupid) star system wouldn't mean altering a course would cancel out all stars given. Since one needs stars to be (potentially) able to upload more courses this gets in the way. Maybe not a problem for some, but in case you don't youtube, twitch or heavily promote your stuff otherwise, stars are hard to come by (let alone the sheer amount of courses available, so it's not like thousands upon thousands of people play your stuff).
Anyway, phenomenal game!