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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 18, 2016
There is a lot of people with issues on these forums. I completely understand the frustration with getting a brand new phone and having an issue.

However I was wondering if people could post some positive reviews of the phone 7. Trying to determine between upgrading to a 7, staying with the 6+ or going with a SE.

I have to upgrade.

There is a lot of people with issues on these forums. I completely understand the frustration with getting a brand new phone and having an issue.

However I was wondering if people could post some positive reviews of the phone 7. Trying to determine between upgrading to a 7, staying with the 6+ or going with a SE.

I have to upgrade.


I am quite happy with mine
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I have a matte black 7. Love it. My favorite iPhone so far. It exceeds at doing everything I need.

My 6s plus was too big for my liking, and got too hot, but I loved it. This does everything that phone did, with the benefit of a better camera, better speakers, and water resistance.

iOS 10 was too cramped on my SE and I love 3D Touch. To me, the 7 is a natural upgrade for those that like the size of the SE and the power of the 6s Plus.
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No issues or concerns my iPhone 7. It's been great. A lot of smaller upgrades that have added up in my opinion. It appears the 7 Plus is the main complaint with most customers.
My 7+ matte black 128gb is my favorite iphone I've had and I was very skeptical about getting a bigger phone. I came from a silver iPhone 6 and every iPhone every 2 yrs going back to the 3G. It's uber fasr, dig the 3D Touch, and actually LOVE the new home button. The camera is amazing and I'm looking forward to the software upgrade for it to be even better.

I will get the iPhone 8 next year though if it turns out all of those great rumors are true. I just wanted to try the bigger phone for a year and experiment. It made me realize I don't talk on the phone much except on Bluetooth in my Jeep or on speaker at home. I use my phone much more for texting and app stuff. It doesn't take away from my use of my 9.7 iPad Pro either.
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Mine is keeping me endlessly entertained, constantly checking to see if that bloody 4 week wait has been reduced at all ;)
Very happy - I love my 7+, a great update from the iPhone 6 - only glitch I'm having is that it very occasionally doesn't connect to my BT car kit & it's slightly too long with the lightning cable attached to fit neatly into my car's armrest (just need a right angled lightning cable)

Loving the size, screen, 3D touch, stereo speakers, speed of the touch ID & the home button that's powered by pure witchcraft.
Very happy. This is my first ever iPhone, It is a much more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing experience compared to Android. I'm not sure why I waited so long seeing as I have nearly every other Apple gadget. Better late than never!
Although I originally went with the matte black option, which I was pleased with, I ended up exchanging it for the Jet Black model once one became available at the Apple Store. And I love it; it's a truly gorgeous phone.

- I really like the new taptic home button when the phone's in the hand. It's not so good with the phone on a stand, though, tbh.

- Like a lot of other people, I have been frustrated with the Three UK 4G network being unreliable on the new phone, and I really hope this isn't hardware related with regards the new Intel chip.

- Obviously going with Jet Black is a risk. Had I bought the phone outright with the expectation of selling it on privately in a year once the iP8 comes out, then I would have stuck with the matte black option. However, a few minor cosmetic micro-scratches isn't a concern with the Apple Upgrade Programme, which I'm now on, so I felt I may as well enjoy the improved aesthetics (imo) of the Jet Black model. I'm pretty careful with phones anyway - no major incidents since my very first iP3G, and always keep it in a leather sleeve which protects it very well when in my pocket yet allows me to enjoy the full gorgeousness when I'm using it...
Very happy. This is my first ever iPhone, It is a much more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing experience compared to Android. I'm not sure why I waited so long seeing as I have nearly every other Apple gadget. Better late than never!

Welcome to the club. You will enjoy your stay :)
Although I originally went with the matte black option, which I was pleased with, I ended up exchanging it for the Jet Black model once one became available at the Apple Store. And I love it; it's a truly gorgeous phone.

- I really like the new taptic home button when the phone's in the hand. It's not so good with the phone on a stand, though, tbh.

- Like a lot of other people, I have been frustrated with the Three UK 4G network being unreliable on the new phone, and I really hope this isn't hardware related with regards the new Intel chip.

- Obviously going with Jet Black is a risk. Had I bought the phone outright with the expectation of selling it on privately in a year once the iP8 comes out, then I would have stuck with the matte black option. However, a few minor cosmetic micro-scratches isn't a concern with the Apple Upgrade Programme, which I'm now on, so I felt I may as well enjoy the improved aesthetics (imo) of the Jet Black model. I'm pretty careful with phones anyway - no major incidents since my very first iP3G, and always keep it in a leather sleeve which protects it very well when in my pocket yet allows me to enjoy the full gorgeousness when I'm using it...

Jeebus is that Three nonsense still going on :eek: They'll get it sorted eventually. Either with a carrier update or iOS update, or combination of both. Considering Threes a big network in the UK now I'm sure they'll be working round the clock on it.
Very happy. This is my first ever iPhone, It is a much more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing experience compared to Android. I'm not sure why I waited so long seeing as I have nearly every other Apple gadget. Better late than never!

Agreed and welcome to the family
It's not a huge upgrade but I'm liking it. Noticeably faster than my old phone and just runs so smoothly. Not terribly exciting but so so consistent which really is all I care about at my age.
Apart from my buzzing noises while recording video on my iPhone 7 Plus and it's replacement I love my iPhone 7 Plus a lot. It's a great phone.
I'm very happy with my JB 7 256 :D

I think some of that comes from only upgrading every 2 years, so I get the benefit of both the 6S and 7 features.

It's noticeably faster than the 6, I quite like some of the force-touch stuff, double the storage is fantastic, and the colour is just stunning. If Darth Vader had a mobile phone, it would be a Jet Black iPhone 7 :D
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Ive come from iphone 6 to MB 7+ 256gb and I couldnt be happier! personally ive never upgraded to the s models as i dont find its worth it - but this phone is bloody fast at everything it does, looks super sexy and sharp! Im also content with the fact that I wont ever hopefully see the "your storage is full" pop up :p
I'm VERY happy with my 7 Plus. Loving the new camera and the 256 GB storage. And it's FAST.
I've gotten used to the new home button too.
All is good. VERY VERY happy.
I love mine so far! I went from a 6 to a 7+, so it's an adjustment; I have small hands and was worried it would be too big, but it hasn't been a problem yet. Loving the taptic engine/home button. Sound stupid, but it's fun to use. It totally messes with my head that it's not actually moving. ;) Extra battery life is great, it's much less sluggish, and I haven't had any hissing sounds or a yellow screen. It's a win as far as I'm concerned.
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