Although I originally went with the matte black option, which I was pleased with, I ended up exchanging it for the Jet Black model once one became available at the Apple Store. And I love it; it's a truly gorgeous phone.
- I really like the new taptic home button when the phone's in the hand. It's not so good with the phone on a stand, though, tbh.
- Like a lot of other people, I have been frustrated with the Three UK 4G network being unreliable on the new phone, and I really hope this isn't hardware related with regards the new Intel chip.
- Obviously going with Jet Black is a risk. Had I bought the phone outright with the expectation of selling it on privately in a year once the iP8 comes out, then I would have stuck with the matte black option. However, a few minor cosmetic micro-scratches isn't a concern with the Apple Upgrade Programme, which I'm now on, so I felt I may as well enjoy the improved aesthetics (imo) of the Jet Black model. I'm pretty careful with phones anyway - no major incidents since my very first iP3G, and always keep it in a leather sleeve which protects it very well when in my pocket yet allows me to enjoy the full gorgeousness when I'm using it...