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macrumors regular
Jun 8, 2015
Windows 10 runs great on my laptop, end of story. It's a great OS.

Surface Book is more overpriced than Apple products, so I'll never buy one.

Paying that premium for a weaker laptop than its competitors.... 3 hour battery life as a tablet? No thanks.
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macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2014
Not sure if you are serious but if you are then you are very wrong. Windows does not crash. Since Windows 7 I have not had a crash or BSOD or anything of that nature.
My mid 2014 MBP has crashed a few times in Yosemite and a couple of times in El Cap.

Totally agree.
My macs crash far more than my windows machine. Indeed i cant recall my windows PC BSOD at all


macrumors G4
Sep 6, 2002
Windows 10 runs great on my laptop, end of story. It's a great OS.
Does Windows 10 let you rename or move a file while it's open?
Does Windows 10 break shortcuts if the file is renamed or moved?
Does Windows 10 force you to bring background windows forward just to scroll?
Does Windows 10 GUI still contain a mishmash of UI elements from as far back as Windows XP?
Does Windows 10 still use drive letters?
Does Windows 10 create PDF files from any application that faithfully reproduce what's seen on screen?
There are many more things I don't like about Windows, but these annoyances make Windows a pain to use for me. Give Microsoft a few more years to adequately copy Exposé and Spaces. They're making progress. When they get there we will talk again.


Jul 24, 2015
Does Windows 10 let you rename or move a file while it's open?
Does Windows 10 break shortcuts if the file is renamed or moved?
Does Windows 10 force you to bring background windows forward just to scroll?
Does Windows 10 GUI still contain a mishmash of UI elements from as far back as Windows XP?
Does Windows 10 still use drive letters?
Does Windows 10 create PDF files from any application that faithfully reproduce what's seen on screen?
There are many more things I don't like about Windows, but these annoyances make Windows a pain to use for me. Give Microsoft a few more years to adequately copy Exposé and Spaces. They're making progress. When they get there we will talk again.

Windows is just great!

Microsoft Edge still doesn't have a spell checker, and if you go Chrome or Firefox, you have to manually select the language before writing (which is "great" if you happen to speak more than one language).

Also, if you are selecting or dragging piece of text or anything, you can't use the mouse's scroll wheel!



macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2012
Las Vegas, NV
The so called wobble issue is a non factor.. Sure it's not as stable as a typical hinge but it practical use provides no issues whatsoever. Windows 10 is a real game changer, it's light, fast and extremely stable. People like to bash Microsoft for the issues in the old days. (blue screens, etc.).. Microsoft has hit a home run here and it will put a deep dent in MBP and Ipad Pro sales. Apple made a huge mistake not releasing a non-IOS tablet device..
I have been having much more success with Windows 10 than the new release of OS X El Capatian
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macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
Just sold my Mac, going surface book. Anyone else making a change? I'm simply sick of the Nickel and diming Apple does. $20 for a usb-c to usb cable which should be included, two USB-C multi port adapters for $79 a piece, extra power brick which of course doesn't come with the USB-C cable.

This unit has a detachable 13/5 inch screen, the screen quality 3000x2000 is incredible.
13 hour battery life
Upgradable base/dgpu
latest skylake processors

Gotta say guys, I think Microsoft has hit a homerun here. Not a fanboy of either company but
they have hit a homerun. I have used macs the past 5 years, it's time for a change.

So which model are you getting?


macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2014
Does Windows 10 let you rename or move a file while it's open?
Does Windows 10 break shortcuts if the file is renamed or moved?
Does Windows 10 force you to bring background windows forward just to scroll?
Does Windows 10 GUI still contain a mishmash of UI elements from as far back as Windows XP?
Does Windows 10 still use drive letters?
Does Windows 10 create PDF files from any application that faithfully reproduce what's seen on screen?
There are many more things I don't like about Windows, but these annoyances make Windows a pain to use for me. Give Microsoft a few more years to adequately copy Exposé and Spaces. They're making progress. When they get there we will talk again.

But OS X has just as many idiosyncrasies... that are just as arsine, if not more so. Having to manually eject USB drives which needs 3 or 4 attempts is my current favourite. How 1980s!

Geez, GUI elements from old, OS X wins that one hands down and mount point vs drive letter - they are the same thing! But you can mount as a directory the same as OS X if you "wanted" to..
And unless something has changed overnight i can print anything from any open app to PDF on either system.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Does Windows 10 let you rename or move a file while it's open?
Does Windows 10 break shortcuts if the file is renamed or moved?
As it shouldn't.

Does Windows 10 force you to bring background windows forward just to scroll?
Yes you can do that in windows 10
Does Windows 10 GUI still contain a mishmash of UI elements from as far back as Windows XP?
Somewhat, just like OS X has UI inconsistencies

Does Windows 10 still use drive letters?
Yes, and they're extremely useful in the enterprise.

Does Windows 10 create PDF files from any application that faithfully reproduce what's seen on screen?
Of course.


macrumors G4
I hate that you have to opt out of 10+ options after installation if you want to maintain a modicum of privacy. I also don't like that it's trying to trick you into signing up for or signing into a Microsoft account at every opportunity (but then, recent Mac OS versions are also quite pushy about signing up for iCloud

You are aware that on 10.10 onwards all your web searches & Spotlight searches are sent to Apple by default? In some circumstance web searches are also sent to Microsoft, unless you know how to opt out, as Apple so kindly opted opted you in by default...



Jun 28, 2015
Western Hemisphere
Not sure if you are serious but if you are then you are very wrong. Windows does not crash. Since Windows 7 I have not had a crash or BSOD or anything of that nature.
You are so very right!

One has to look back in history quite a number of years to find a "crash" problem with a properly setup and maintained Windows computer. I've used Windows side by side with my Macs for years and found them both to be very good.

It's rather like the people here that exaggerate when bashing Android, the moment they spell it "Windoze" you know you have a hater posting :D
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macrumors G4
Moving ever closer Thx to 10.11 and Apple`s current rather approach to hardware. There was a time when Apple led the field in the PC space, now there is only one mantra "thinner & lighter" I would love to see the innovation and imagination return, equally I expect more of the same...

Microsoft is many things, equally there is no denying that they are innovating and listening to their customers, specifically Surface. If Apple wants to keep my custom, then they need to come up with more than a thiner, light rMBP with colour options. I am not interested in a few millimetres here and there, I am interested usability & functionality, new exciting features, no I am not talking about wiggling the mouse to make the cursor grow...



macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2008
San Jose, CA
You are aware that on 10.10 onwards all your web searches & Spotlight searches are sent to Apple by default? In some circumstance web searches are also sent to Microsoft, unless you know how to opt out, as Apple so kindly opted opted you in by default.
Yes, I agree that was a faux pas. I also find myself having to turn off more and more options in Mac OS now. It's not quite as bad as in Win10 yet, but they seem to be going in the same direction. Given Cook's public insistence that Apple cares about our privacy, I hope they reconsider and make such things opt-in rather than opt-out in the future. It's simple enough to display a dialog box at first use rather than just assuming that the user wants to send everything to the cloud.
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macrumors 604
Jan 6, 2005
Does Windows 10 let you rename or move a file while it's open?
Does Windows 10 break shortcuts if the file is renamed or moved?
Does Windows 10 force you to bring background windows forward just to scroll?
Does Windows 10 GUI still contain a mishmash of UI elements from as far back as Windows XP?
Does Windows 10 still use drive letters?
Does Windows 10 create PDF files from any application that faithfully reproduce what's seen on screen?
There are many more things I don't like about Windows, but these annoyances make Windows a pain to use for me. Give Microsoft a few more years to adequately copy Exposé and Spaces. They're making progress. When they get there we will talk again.

I've answered this exact list of questions from you with specific answers before. The fact that you still copy/paste the same list of half truths and inaccuracies speaks volumes about your credibility.
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macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
Moving ever closer Thx to 10.11 and Apple`s current rather approach to hardware. There was a time when Apple led the field in the PC space, now there is only one mantra "thinner & lighter" I would love to see the innovation and imagination return, equally I expect more of the same...

Microsoft is many things, equally there is no denying that they are innovating and listening to their customers, specifically Surface. If Apple wants to keep my custom, then they need to come up with more than a thiner, light rMBP with colour options. I am not interested in a few millimetres here and there, I am interested usability & functionality, new exciting features, no I am not talking about wiggling the mouse to make the cursor grow...


While I agree some innovation would be nice I don't see anyone else bringing any either, including microsoft.

The suface book is just a macbook pro with macbook air internals an option for a so so dGPU (that may well prove to be no better than the IRIS graphics with eDRAM cache slated for the rMBP 13) and the ability to turn it into a heavy and over large tablet with poor battery life, all this for the price of an ipad pro and a 13 inch rMBP.

This is not innovation, this is just mashing 2 products together, hardly new, there have been convertables for 5 years now, they still all use the same technology have roughly the same performance and the same methods of input, even the OSes have all taken the best of each other until it is really only preference that distinguishes them. USB-C?? so what?? it's just a port it does nothing different to USB 3 or thunderbolt, it won't redefine your computing experience.

Until we want or need portable computers to do something new they will all just keep evolving slowly absorbing the latest silicon and not changing very much at all, much like the surface book which just seems to be a convertable laptop that doesn't suck as much as most of the others, mainly due to new silicon and the sort of design a $2700 price tag gives you.


macrumors G4
Yes, I agree that was a faux pas. I also find myself having to turn off more and more options in Mac OS now. It's not quite as bad as in Win10 yet, but they seem to be going in the same direction. Given Cook's public insistence that Apple cares about our privacy, I hope they reconsider and make such things opt-in rather than opt-out in the future. It's simple enough to display a dialog box at first use rather than just assuming that the user wants to send everything to the cloud.

It`s all about money & social media & more money. I like to believe Apple`s statements regarding privacy, however such tactics rather fly in the face of it methinks, albeit only metadata etc. Privacy has a specific meaning, last time I checked it had nothing with third parties including Apple hoovering up your internet usage and "promising" not to divulge to others.

10.11 is far more prone to "phone home" nor is it exactly disclosed why this additional communication with Apple`s servers is required. Franky if Apple was sincere about privacy they would as you say, offer dialogue boxes to opt in, not by default opt everyone in "de facto" silently...



Jul 18, 2013
I myself am a photographer, and rely heavily on a laptop while working mobile, this video sums it all up:
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 12, 2004
I'm in the middle of a refresh - and I came very close to going Surface. A few things held me back"
1. Apple Ecosystem - We're pretty well locked into iTunes, iPhoto, iPhones, ATVs, FaceTime, iPads, etc. I looked into getting out of it, but think I'll wait 2-3 years before doing so. Switching from other platforms to Apple is easy, switching back not so fluid.
2. Habit - Primarily a Mac user since the early 90s. While I can switch, and have usually had a PC somewhere, I'm just more productive on OSX. I simply can't take the work interruptions, at the moment.

I do have an SP3, which works well. I bought the new keyboard for it, which will help. I plan to spend some quality time with it, and exploring various ecosystem migration options, over the next couple years. If Apple doesn't have a hybrid device by ~2017, I'm gone. In the interim, my surface has replaced my iPad. But my new 5k iMac is my primary desktop, and I also have a little MAcBook that I'm playing with.

But I do prefer Microsoft's vision more than Apple's, regarding one vs two OSs. YMMV.


macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
I'm in the middle of a refresh - and I came very close to going Surface. A few things held me back"
1. Apple Ecosystem - We're pretty well locked into iTunes, iPhoto, iPhones, ATVs, FaceTime, iPads, etc. I looked into getting out of it, but think I'll wait 2-3 years before doing so. Switching from other platforms to Apple is easy, switching back not so fluid.
2. Habit - Primarily a Mac user since the early 90s. While I can switch, and have usually had a PC somewhere, I'm just more productive on OSX. I simply can't take the work interruptions, at the moment.

I do have an SP3, which works well. I bought the new keyboard for it, which will help. I plan to spend some quality time with it, and exploring various ecosystem migration options, over the next couple years. If Apple doesn't have a hybrid device by ~2017, I'm gone. In the interim, my surface has replaced my iPad. But my new 5k iMac is my primary desktop, and I also have a little MAcBook that I'm playing with.

But I do prefer Microsoft's vision more than Apple's, regarding one vs two OSs. YMMV.

Windows have 2 OSes windows and windows phone (which is found on the few smaller windows tablets you can get) you are not bothered by 2 OSes you just want a full fledged OS on your tablet rather than a mobile one.


macrumors 68040
Jul 16, 2014
The fact still remains that Windoze will crash 100x more than a Mac. Anyways, even Windoze fanboys complain about wobble when using touch screen, feeling like it's going to tilt then drop on the floor when used in the lap (due to being top heavy), and of course that it didn't come with Windoze 7 SP1 since it's 50x more stable than Windoze 10.

Funny, my other laptop Zenbook hasnt never crashed during these three years (win8-10). Maybe next time you should buy a highend win laptop rather than cheapest one. I would choose any time win10 over osx if i had to choose just one os, lucky i dont.

And btw Win10 is alot of better than win7 ever was. And during these years i have had more complains about my mac/osx and compatibilities or things that apple never fixes...

However i still buy another mbpr when it comes with skylake, just because i didnt like it that i had to turn off so many things to improve privacy in win10. It should come like that in the first place - not like now when the user needs to be a wizard to know how to improve the privacy starting from stabbing the registry.. No, this is not how they would increase the selling - however most of the buyers dont even care...


macrumors G4
I myself am a photographer, and rely heavily on a laptop while working mobile, this video sums it all up:

Sorry, this guy is clearly an idiot, the Surface Book is comparable to the 13" rMBP, not the 15" Quad Core for computational tasks. If your going to review products common sense dictates that you should understand what your talking about. I could do exactly the same with my 13" & 15" rMBP and have similar results what a surprise...

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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
The so called wobble issue is a non factor..
It does occur. The verge's review: mentioned the wobble and I have to agree the design is such that it will have wobble because the weight balance is in the screen and not the base.

The fact still remains that Windoze will crash 100x more than a Mac
My SP3 has not crashed once, I can't tell you the last time my work PC crashed - I'm going to say years because nothing comes to mind
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