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Oct 21, 2009
It just occurred to me that my device is numerically closer to the original iPhone introduced in 2007 than the 15 model on sale in 2024. And yet despite having owned it for nearly four years I've got no plans to replace it anytime soon. I'm presently using IOS 15.8.1 and am not in any way feeling limited by its abilities nor concerned about its security. Having taken good care of it the device is still looking like new and its charge lasts for at least two days in standby mode.

I consider myself a prime example of the casual user of the iPhone. The only purposes it serves is as a phone, GPS guidance, camera, MP3 player, and internet browsing. Apart from that there isn't a single thing about the iPhone 15 which has me longing to upgrade. I'm wondering whom here has the same mindset and what generation iPhone you're still using. If you've got something more modern what programs or features can you not do without?
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My current iPhone is the 11 Pro Max. Primarily used as a phone (I am surrounded by computers all day, I use those for other stuff).

I take my 6s Plus when I go out walking, or whenever I perceive there may be a situation that poses danger to my 11PM. I have a 6 Plus on my desk which I play around with too.

But also on my desk are a Pixel 3a XL, an iPhone 5, an iPhone 4s, an iPhone 4, an iPhone 3GS, an HTC Touch Pro and a Sanyo Katana (flip phone). Only the Katana I can't verify to be working or not.

Other than my 11PM and 6s Plus though, none of these phones are used for anything in particular.
If that's all you use your iPhone for, and it's not lagging and the battery is still good then no need to upgrade. I've got a 14 Pro and it recently got iOS 17.3 which closed a pretty glaring security issue whereby someone who gets your passcode (either from observing you or forcing you to give it to them in a robbery) can rest your Apple ID and take possession of your Apple ID. However, I live in a big city where this has happened a lot and this might not be a concern for others who don't.

I need my iPhone for train/plane/subway tickets, banking and work so it has to have up to date apps for all these functions without lagging. I don't need the very latest iPhone for this of course but definitely one that still gets major iOS updates still. After a while, developers stop supporting older IOS versions.
I need my iPhone for train/plane/subway tickets, banking and work so it has to have up to date apps for all these functions without lagging. I don't need the very latest iPhone for this of course but definitely one that still gets major iOS updates still. After a while, developers stop supporting older IOS versions.
Yeah, there are so many essential uses of a smartphone that it is worth having a decently quick and reasonably up to date model in my opinion.

Also I would add that I would hate it if an opportunity for a beautiful photo or video came up but my phone would only produce blown out or blurry shots (most iPhones have great cameras though, this mostly relates to older budget phones of other brands).

So my 13 Mini meets all my needs and I'll try to keep hold on it for as long as it stays supported. I'd love to still be using a 4S for its design, but it just creates problems (it's not impossible, just a huge inconvenience).
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I’ve got a friend who’s still rocking an iPhone 6s. He hasn’t updated iOS in a number of years. I keep warning him that’s putting himself at risk. But basically he uses the phone for calls and texts.
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I’ve got a friend who’s still rocking an iPhone 6s. He hasn’t updated iOS in a number of years. I keep warning him that’s putting himself at risk. But basically he uses the phone for calls and texts.

Risk from what?
I’ve got a friend who’s still rocking an iPhone 6s. He hasn’t updated iOS in a number of years. I keep warning him that’s putting himself at risk. But basically he uses the phone for calls and texts.
6S still gets the occasional security update.
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I am still using my 6s as my main phone. Running iOS 15.7.9
The battery was replaced in early 2020. Running at 97% health 👍

I purchased the phone brand new. And kept it in very good condition. No scratches, and still looks the way it did when I bought it

edit: 128GB version
I have an iPhone 3g that's has no sim card and is stripped of everything except the pre-installed apps hooked into my garage sound-system as a music player. My actual carry-around phone is a 12.
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Just the other day found an iPhone 6 still working it has only 1 slight crack at the fingerprint button, pretty sure also have the box.
It just occurred to me that my device is numerically closer to the original iPhone introduced in 2007 than the 15 model on sale in 2024. And yet despite having owned it for nearly four years I've got no plans to replace it anytime soon. I'm presently using IOS 15.8.1 and am not in any way feeling limited by its abilities nor concerned about its security. Having taken good care of it the device is still looking like new and its charge lasts for at least two days in standby mode.

I consider myself a prime example of the casual user of the iPhone. The only purposes it serves is as a phone, GPS guidance, camera, MP3 player, and internet browsing. Apart from that there isn't a single thing about the iPhone 15 which has me longing to upgrade. I'm wondering whom here has the same mindset and what generation iPhone you're still using. If you've got something more modern what programs or features can you not do without?
OP if you don't mind me asking, what iPhone are you talking about?

Edit: OP, is it the iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus?
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I’m typing this message on an iPhone 6S Plus (128GB), which I’ve used as my only smartphone since early 2016. Just the other day, Apple released another compatible security patch, so the phone is now on iOS 15.8.1.

Unfortunately, Apple will surely end support for the 6S Plus this September, so a new phone is on the horizon.
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Using 8+ as my daily driver. With the battery replaced in early 2023, there's no complaints. I just dont use my phone since my other devices (ipad, hackintosh) provide a much better experience. It's mostly just sitting there as a relay lol
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I use an iPhone 6 as a webcam using Camo Studio every day. It’s perched right on top of my Studio Display with its built-in webcam that Apple should be ashamed of.
My dad still uses a 6S as his primary phone, on its 3rd battery if I remember right.

I have a 5S that still operates for the sole purpose of being a display for my FLIR One gen 2 thermal camera.

I have a 3GS sitting in its original box that still works, though it wont talk to phone networks anymore.
My 6S is still used as a backup phone when my 13 mini is down (minus the phoning) and as a backup iPod when my Classic is down. I'd say I use them all about equally overall.

I do have a 4 that technically still works, but don't really have a major use for it asides from when I used it as an OBS camera.
We have an iPhone 4 at home that our kids still use as a music player. Nice little device that still works surprisingly well.
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