Not downing those with defective or iPads with issues, but how about some positive posts... Who here loves their iPad and is happy with it? I do.
After too many returns and exchanges I did get a good model so far, (12.9" 2018 iPP 256GB Silver WiFi.) My iPad is perfect, even with some minor input issues with a glass cover I love how this feels, looks, and works. I of course am a worrying William when it comes to scratching, bending, and any warping with this guy... but *knock on wood that doesn't happen. lol
As it is right now, I give props to Apple for a great product that looks awesome (what I've wanted since 2010) and is a beast of a machine. Are there obvious issues to be worried and or upset about?... yes, but it wouldn't be real life if there wasn't. I think besides the design and look, I am most pleased with how even the iPads displays were that I had to return for various issues (all had uniform screens) with essentially no backlight bleed thanks to the new "Liquid Retina" LCD tech. That's a major prop I must give to Apple.
What about everyone else what positives have you found from these new models, or what has excited/impressed you most?
After too many returns and exchanges I did get a good model so far, (12.9" 2018 iPP 256GB Silver WiFi.) My iPad is perfect, even with some minor input issues with a glass cover I love how this feels, looks, and works. I of course am a worrying William when it comes to scratching, bending, and any warping with this guy... but *knock on wood that doesn't happen. lol
As it is right now, I give props to Apple for a great product that looks awesome (what I've wanted since 2010) and is a beast of a machine. Are there obvious issues to be worried and or upset about?... yes, but it wouldn't be real life if there wasn't. I think besides the design and look, I am most pleased with how even the iPads displays were that I had to return for various issues (all had uniform screens) with essentially no backlight bleed thanks to the new "Liquid Retina" LCD tech. That's a major prop I must give to Apple.
What about everyone else what positives have you found from these new models, or what has excited/impressed you most?