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BJB Productions

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 10, 2008
Currently I have a base 2018 15" model. Thinking about getting a refurb 16" and throwing this one on eBay. I'm a writer, photographer and video editor. Normally I wouldn't upgrade so soon, but I fear resale value on these models will plummet (it already has) and I also can't stand the keyboard. I get by...sometimes it's fine, but mostly it just annoys me. Also a bit worried about longevity.

Anyone done the switch? Worth it?
I did. Really like the 16". The new keyboard is great. Only downside is the extra weight and size. Not too much of change, but it is noticeable.
I think upgrading from a 2018 15 inch to the 16 inch is a worthwhile upgrade. Not so much from a 2019 in my opinion unless you get a really good deal on the 16 inch.

The 15 inch Core-i9 is $2,099 right now at B&H and for that price, it's a steal.
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I upgraded from the 15” 2018 to the 15” 2019 and then finally to the 16” inch (all were the upgraded base versions). I’ve been really pleased with them all, but I probably wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t got a gold price on them
Man, I wished being able to sell my 2018 i9 and get the new 16". But it's price has plummeted. From 4800 euros I paid now I find the same model on eBay for just 1700. That model depreciated fast.
A follow up question : how does the display compare to the previous models? Better / worse / same? In terms of clarity, color, accuracy.
Man, I wished being able to sell my 2018 i9 and get the new 16". But it's price has plummeted. From 4800 euros I paid now I find the same model on eBay for just 1700. That model depreciated fast.

Well yes, but part of the reason why it depreciated so quickly is because the price points on the new 16" models are more competitive. You won't get as much for your previous purchase, but your next purchase will net you more for less.
A follow up question : how does the display compare to the previous models? Better / worse / same? In terms of clarity, color, accuracy.

Do a search on the forums for issues with the 16" display. I do seem to notice some extra grumbling about color issues and ghosting on the 16" displays, but given that the favorite thing for most MR visitors to do is obsess and complain, it's impossible to say whether there's enough of an issue that it's a risk or if the shiny new model brought out all the OCD posters.
Do a search on the forums for issues with the 16" display. I do seem to notice some extra grumbling about color issues and ghosting on the 16" displays, but given that the favorite thing for most MR visitors to do is obsess and complain, it's impossible to say whether there's enough of an issue that it's a risk or if the shiny new model brought out all the OCD posters.

I'd love to wait for micro-LED, but there's the possibility it will be limited to higher end 16" models.
Well, I think I'm going to order a refurb base model and see how I like it. I'm amazed how much these 15.4" models have depreciated. I'm looking at getting 1200 if I'm lucky for my late 2018. Crazy.
Well, I think I'm going to order a refurb base model and see how I like it. I'm amazed how much these 15.4" models have depreciated. I'm looking at getting 1200 if I'm lucky for my late 2018. Crazy.

Yeah, prices dropped so the 2018 is my secondary machine now. Enjoying that 16" and haven't looked back.
I have a 2018 MPB 15in. and now a 2019 16 in. MPB and honestly can tell a huge difference. Th track pad is so much better. The 15 in might have been a little fickle. I would click and it was slow. This 16 in feel like "My Computer". The keyboard the better, the over all laptop runs smoothier and the screen is better than my 15 in. I maxed the light and turn True Tone off and it looks so good. I like a more blue white screen like the older MPB models. This one is just feel right and not glitches. So for what it is worth I am sold on this newer model. Both of my MPB have 32 gb. The 16 in has the 1 TB and thought I read that a higher ssd helped the machine. The 15 in has a 512gb. 2.6 GHz. I don't do rendering but have VM on them so went with 32gb. The 15 in went to my husband who uses a external mouse and he thinks he is in top cotton coming from a 2014 MBP. We both very happy. My two cents for what it is worth.
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The track pad is so much better. The 15 in might have been a little fickle. I would click and it was slow. This 16 in feel like "My Computer".

Interesting that you bring this up - I've read a few other in depth reviews and several have mentioned the trackpad is better. I thought it was the same part as the previous model. I've always felt like the trackpad on my 2018 15" lacked some 'oomph' but I've gotten used to it.
If a big reasons to swap is depreciation then you’d be obsoletely mad to trade in a 2018 15” for a 2019 16” as you’ll feel the majority of the cost hit so early on.

If we are to believe the rumours of MiniLED later this year in the 16” refresh then current 16”MBP will see a massive hit in their value due to the new screen technology and you’ll be back to square one again.

The longer you keep the machine, the better the depreciation over time will be. If your 2018 MBP performs well enough and its only minor keyboard niggles, I’d seriously comsider waiting another 12 months for new displays, faster CPU’s and stronger GPU’s.
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If a big reasons to swap is depreciation then you’d be obsoletely mad to trade in a 2018 15” for a 2019 16” as you’ll feel the majority of the cost hit so early on.

If we are to believe the rumours of MiniLED later this year in the 16” refresh then current 16”MBP will see a massive hit in their value due to the new screen technology and you’ll be back to square one again.

The longer you keep the machine, the better the depreciation over time will be. If your 2018 MBP performs well enough and its only minor keyboard niggles, I’d seriously comsider waiting another 12 months for new displays, faster CPU’s and stronger GPU’s.

Best advice yet. This is what I ended up deciding, actually - I slept on it and came to the same conclusion. I love my machine, I really have no complaints aside from the keyboard. (Yes, it can be extremely frustrating to use sometimes) however, when I ran the numbers including purchasing AC+, swapping now purely to save money didn't add up. At all. I don't *need* the power... I don't *need* the speakers.... so I'll deal with my keyboard for now and just enjoy the machine.
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I went from the high end '18 15" to a high end 16" and am happy with my decision. I paid about $4200 for the 15" and was only looking to get about $2k for it and it was less than a year old and only had like 12 cycles on the battery, so pretty new. So I just gave it to the wife as I'd rather not get anything back than lose that much in 11 months time. That's been 4 months and she's yet to turn it on as she has an older Lenovo Yoga she likes. I don't get it, but whatever. I have what I want and am very pleased with it.
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