So this is definitely the problem. For some reason, my VIDEOS app on my iphone does not have video enabled or something like that. Or it thinks it should be playing music. There has to be a setting somewhere that I need to switch to enable video to be played in this app. I wonder if there is something I can do to reset this, or uninstall and re-install.
Thank you for your response, this is leading me in the right direction!
OK, so I wasn't crazy. I knew this was something weird. And you probably won't believe me but I found the answer in another forum and it goes like this:
Hey guys!
This literally just happened to me and I solved it in 1 minute!
What you have to do is...
Settings > general > International > Language > *change the current language to a different (I chose British English to English) and then allow the language to change* > once you're back at the home screen click on iPod and allow the library to load :]
Hope this helps! it was an iPhone 4 on 4.1 :]
Toshiba Laptop, Windows Vista, iPhone 4, iPhone 3g, iPod touch 1st gen, iPod touch 2nd Gen
Thank you Nickw73 from[/URL]
check it out... it's no joke. All you have to do is change the language settings