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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 26, 2009
The only reason I registered on this forum was to get this question answered:

Why should i get a Mac computer with Mac OS X, and what are it's advantages over lets say Windows 7, or even Windows Vista.

I am thinking of investing in this company which my friend has been hyping up for like a year now and I want to know why it is actually better.​

Please give me valid answers. Not something like; "It looks nicer". Or "Mac PwNs WinDows".

Thank you for the help!​


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2008
For me the main reason is that I just prefer the Mac UI. You keep all of your most used apps in the dock instead of littering your desktop with shortcuts or navigating through the start menu and its subfolders. Stacks makes it easy to launch apps and documents in moments. Expose allows you to navigate around your windows easily. And the unified menu bar that always remains at the top just makes more sense to me than a menu bar within the app.

Plus I love the silver/grey look. It's a great choice because it's neutral to the colours around it, which is important if your doing colour sensitive work (although saying that I welcome the rumoured darker marble UI). Oh and I love OS X's font rendering.

It just seems like the Mac UI is more polished and refined, it's not as flashy as the Windows UI, but it's simple yet powerful, and elegant. It's also more consistent (try right clicking in Windows 7 to find a grey Windows 95 contextual menu, yep there still there, 14 years later).

There are many other reasons as well, it's a fully certified Unix OS, no viruses or other malware, faster in my experience.

Have a read


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2007
Lake Elsinore, California
First off, I agree with Nick.
But also, its very hard to explain why Mac OS X is better. Ive been using Macs since the early days of Tiger, which is not long compared to some others, but long enough to become very comfortable with the operating systems. Mac OS X just works. That is the most simple way to put it. If youre coming directly from Windows computers, then you will be amazed at the difference. It may be a rough transition, but if you stick with it for a few weeks, youll never look back.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 26, 2009
For me the main reason is that I just prefer the Mac UI. You keep all of your most used apps in the dock instead of littering your desktop with shortcuts or navigating through the start menu and its subfolders. Stacks makes it easy to launch apps and documents in moments. Expose allows you to navigate around your windows easily. And the unified menu bar that always remains at the top just makes more sense to me than a menu bar within the app.

Plus I love the silver/grey look. It's a great choice because it's neutral to the colours around it, which is important if your doing colour sensitive work (although saying that I welcome the rumoured darker marble UI). Oh and I love OS X's font rendering.

It just seems like the Mac UI is more polished and refined, it's not as flashy as the Windows UI, but it's simple yet powerful, and elegant. It's also more consistent (try right clicking in Windows 7 to find a grey Windows 95 contextual menu, yep there still there, 14 years later).

There are many other reasons as well, it's a fully certified Unix OS, no viruses or other malware, faster in my experience.

Have a read

Thanks alot nick.

Appreciate the help, ill check out the link


macrumors 68040
Oct 11, 2006
Minneapolis, MN
You have not mentioned anything that you intend to do with the OS. Without knowing what you'll be using it for it is hard to give advice one way or the other.


macrumors regular
Aug 14, 2009
I had always used Windows untill about 3 years ago, when I got my first PowerBook G4. I would say the first time I used it I absolutely loved it, but I very quickly came up against the lack of software that was available. I found that there were certain programs I either couldn't get or the equivelent weren't as comprehensive. I barely used it for about a year, except for web browsing.
When I started using it again I found that most of that had changed, and the application support only got better with Leopard.
You said that you didn't want to really hear that 'it just looks better', but in my opinon that is it's biggest and best advantage. All of the programs are so well finished and easy to use that for a lot of windows programs can't really compete. Just look at Delicious Library for an example.
As for the OS touches like Expose, which is so useful I don't know how I surived without it.

Now I love my Mac, so much so last year I upgraded to MacBook Pro Unibody, my PC now only used as a media center (can't afford and mac mini right now).

With a mac there is also the option of 'BootCamp', which will let you install windows as well, so if there are any windows programs you just can't live without they are never more than a restart away.

If you do decide to move to mac here are some apps I think may help:
  • Toast - Nero eqivelent
  • AppZapper - To uninstall programs properly
  • Flip4Mac - Lets you play WMV's
  • Perian - 'The' codec pack for mac
  • HandBrake - Video Conversion program
  • RaR Expander / StuffIt - WinRAR / WinZip equivelent
  • Microsoft Office - I preffer this to the windows version now!

Sorry to ramble on, but I just wish I had more advice before I bought mine. That way I would have got more out of it in that first year.


macrumors 6502
Mar 19, 2009
It's hard to explain...i guess its almost a love. Once you own one you will know what all of us have been trying so hard to explain.

Its so easy to use and it makes going on the computer enjoyable. You dont have long start up times or long loading bars...just the way it is intended to be.

I will never use a PC again...yet the only regret is the lack of games. I get the need for starcraft now and again and sadly my Mac cant help me there.


macrumors 6502
May 1, 2009
the less crashing,
the no virus fact.
easier to use once used to it after a few days.
better support.
better machines
more reliable.
dont have to restart every week cause a program is bugging out
on an on
installin Apps (programs) is a simple drag an drop icon into applications folder (not all but most)
unstall - throw into trash, (most of the time)
only Con
cant run some programs that are like "windows only" but thats becoming less an less


macrumors 65816
Aug 27, 2007
Demarest, NJ
It is faster and more elegant than Windows IMO, I got use to the UI so I am pretty much clueless in XP because it is just simpler in my opinion and probably many other average consumers think so too.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2006
As a former Windows user I've found OS X to have numerous advantages over Windows including performance, security, and user experience. The only advantage that Windows has is that it has more games, but even that advantage has diminished as consoles have finally overcome desktop machines as the premiere gaming experience. In fact, I suspect that the recent decline in the appeal of Windows as a desktop OS hasn't been exclusively because of the advent of Linux or OS X but because consoles have parasitized sales.

But at the end of the day, OS X is fundamentally superior to Windows because of how it is designed. The OS isn't designed for IT admins, it's designed for end users. The paradigm isn't that some distant and abstract system manager is imposing rules upon a users experience. It's to design the best experience for the user.

A compelling example of this is program bundles. In OS X the icon is actually the application. It can be moved and placed by the user anywhere on the hard drive. It won't break the computer to move it. Although installers exist, applications can just be moved as simply as dragging and dropping it to where the user wants it.

In contrast, Windows, including Windows 7, uses shortcuts that point to the program that has installed itself throughout the hard drive. Its .dll's pollute the system folder. Moving the program not only renders the program non-functional, it can also crash the computer. And even using an uninstaller is a complex process where the user is prompted to decide what to do with cryptically labelled .dll's and warned that removing them may destabilize the computer.

Who needs that mess?

In addition to design, Apple has proven itself to be a far more robust company than Microsoft in upgrading its OS and keeping it current. Microsoft, in contrast, is still catching up in many ways to the original release of OS X. It's telling that Microsoft XP, an OS that is a decade old, is still being used by Windows loyalists, and my company as well, because Vista was considered inferior.

Shawn Parr

macrumors regular
Oct 31, 2008
This is a difficult question to answer, as there isn't like one killer thing. It is a lot of little things that all add up. I work everyday in OS X, XP, now Win 7, and Linux (ubuntu these days).

OS X just fits my workflow best. But like I said, it is a bunch of little things:

  • Hardware that can run all the other OS's, at the same time with virtualization (this is really a licensing restriction on the Mac part)
  • Spaces - a very smooth and nice working virtual desktop environment
  • Time Machine - drop dead simple backup
  • Terminal - a real unix terminal with all the associated tools
  • Expose - pretty good screen management
  • Mail, Calendaring, Address book all built in, and with SL Exchange compatible out of the box
  • My laptop has multitouch trackpad capabilities, so I can use lots of gestures without having to go to the keyboard
  • Most developers for Mac applications work to give a consistent look and feel. Much more so then on Windows. This is a culture thing, and I appreciate it.
  • Out of the box support for standard protocols, and file formats. (Leopard could quick look and edit in Text Edit .docx and xlsx files out of the box. I can't fully recall now, but it may have been before MS released the update to Office 2003 to do the same)
  • Quicklook - tap the spacebar to look inside a file without opening an app

And I could easily go on from there. Those are things I use constantly, and it barely scratches the surface. I'm sure there are many people who don't use most of that stuff though, and maybe a Mac would be helpful for them, maybe not.

I do know that the most exuberant Mac supporters that I've personally known have all been recent switchers from Windows. When they finally took the plunge they tended to get very excited and tried to push everyone into it. Eventually they calm down a bit though. :)


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2007
Cary, NC
I'm also a long time Windows user that switched to Mac about eight months ago and I'll never go back. To me the Mac is just more dependable and has better performance. I never have to worry about the system issues I used to have with Windows. It boots faster, runs faster and does a lot of things builtin that I used to have to have extra software to run. Plus with Windows it seemed like I could not go 2-3 days without the software bugging me about doing updates that typically required a reboot. Plus now that I'm used to it I just like the UI better. Things like Preview, Spaces, Time Machine, Finder, the ease of use of the Dock, etc. are all things I've come to appreciate and use all the time. These things were not available to me with Windows (except possibly with 3rd party software which usually caused problems itself). Also the integration with Mobile Me is a big plus for me.


macrumors regular
Nov 4, 2008
@ G4R2 ^

Your exaggerating a little with the whole complexity of windows. Its not that hard to use, but theres no dought that OS X is a much better and well designed os.

OS X is easier to use compared to windows since the OS is designed around to user to give him a easier, more productive experience. The only lack is the lack of games. There are really only a dozen popular games for macs, but thats ok because you can install windows on any mac and reboot to play any game.

Also since there are no viruses for OS X, you will not have to worry or buy anti-virus software. OS X 10.6 is incredibly fast even on older machines like my 3 year old MBP, apps run twice as fast as on 10.5 and all apps for OS X are designed in such a way that they are visually appealing and really simple to use. Plus they just work, no bugs, or crashes.


macrumors 68000
Jan 8, 2009
I'm also a long time Windows user that switched to Mac about eight months ago and I'll never go back. To me the Mac is just more dependable and has better performance. I never have to worry about the system issues I used to have with Windows. It boots faster, runs faster and does a lot of things builtin that I used to have to have extra software to run. Plus with Windows it seemed like I could not go 2-3 days without the software bugging me about doing updates that typically required a reboot. Plus now that I'm used to it I just like the UI better. Things like Preview, Spaces, Time Machine, Finder, the ease of use of the Dock, etc. are all things I've come to appreciate and use all the time. These things were not available to me with Windows (except possibly with 3rd party software which usually caused problems itself). Also the integration with Mobile Me is a big plus for me.
Greetings fellow convert! 8 months for me as well.

You hit on most all of my issues.

How about the ability to create PDF's as part of OSX? This blew me away. (Sorry, I excite too easily).

Plus now, one can basically get a turnkey software system for $170 (OSX, iLife, iWork). Can't do that on Windows.


macrumors 68020
Oct 25, 2008
Most people tend to compare Windows XP and OSX. In that case OSX wins by a landslide. But when comparing OSX to Windows 7 it's not so clear-cut. When it comes to programs, you can find equivalents for each operating system. Some programs might be better on one OS and some on the other. For example I feel that video and audio players are much better on the Windows side. OSX on the other hand has the lovely Preview and Quicklook programs and I prefer iWork to MS Office. In the end it's really just about preferences when it comes to software. Windows of course has the upperhand with games.

When comparing just the operating systems, at the moment Windows 7 is faster than OSX by a small margin. This will most likely change with Snow Leopard but even then it'll be irrelevant, both are fast. The Win7 taskbar is more functional than OSX's dock. I really like it a lot. Expose is also available for Win via the 3rd party Switcher app so that's not a big plus for OSX either. OSX however has much more uniform keyboard shortcuts and application looks. This stems from the fact that most Windows programs are still made for XP so they look rubbish and the shortcuts are all over the place. Installing software in OSX is a lot easier too if the program can be just drag&dropped anywhere. Several programs do use the installer though.

The whole "Macs don't get viruses" thing is IMO a bit overblown. I don't run an antivirus on Win7, my parents (who are not that computer-savvy) don't run one either and we don't have a single malware on our systems. Like on OSX, you pretty much have to install malware yourself. Antivirus software helps for user ignorance and while there certainly are far more viruses targeting Windows, both Win7 and OSX are inherently more secure than WinXP.

I like both operating systems and I run both on my PC (Hackintosh), switching between them based on my whims. Now that I bought a Macbook Pro I'll probably use Win7 mostly on the desktop PC and the laptop for OSX. To me the MBP hardware is so much better than any PC laptop that it was all worth it. With desktop systems I don't really care for Macs that much.


macrumors 603
Aug 29, 2006
Go to an Apple store, get an Apple staff to show you what it is. See for yourself. Or read stories about Apple from those in the Business world - note that the stock is partially volatile as there have been a fair few really playing the stock game with AAPL.


macrumors 68000
Jun 27, 2008
I have one issue with OS X...actually its with a program that I need. :(

DeLorme 3D topoquads is essential in my line of work. Its only compatible with Windows. (Not OS X's problem)

So, ask yourself, what are you willing to sacrifice for a better overall OS? If there aren't any then I would say go for it!


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2007
For me, it's about the overall experience. When I used Windows, I was constantly fixing bugs and trying to keep it from freezing. When I got a Mac, I turned it on and it just worked. After a year, my mac was having major issues. I took it to the Apple Store, and after 7 times fixing it, they gave me a new, upgraded, Macbook. They have a great product, and if your experience isn't good, they'll do their best to fix it. It's all about the customer support and the experience. Try a mac for a year. You'll be hooked. :)

Shawn Parr

macrumors regular
Oct 31, 2008
OS X is easier to use compared to windows since the OS is designed around to user to give him a easier, more productive experience..

I totally agree that OS X is at an absolute level easier to use, however when you consider things relatively it can be a bit different.

For the OP, since you would be a switcher, do bear in mind that if you have been using Windows for a while, and are used to many of its ways, first learning that Mac can be a frustrating experience for some users.

Of course that is usually because they are trying to accomplish a task the way they would expect to do it in Windows, or Windows apps, and often there is an easy way to do it on the Mac they just don't think to try. For some reason drag and drop always seems to come into this at some level.

While Windows and its apps have drag and drop at a lot of different levels, a lot of the switchers I've helped almost never think to use it for some tasks. Want to add pictures to iPhoto, just drag them from the Finder, or another application, right onto the iPhoto window or its icon. Need to make a quick copy of some text for later? Just highlight, and drag and drop onto the desktop. When later comes around drag and drop that file onto a window where you need the text.

There are lots of little things like that. If you spend the time to learn them (and it really doesn't take long) rather than just getting frustrated right away it can be very worthwhile.


macrumors 65816
Jul 29, 2005
The only reason I registered on this forum was to get this question answered:

Why should i get a Mac computer with Mac OS X, and what are it's advantages over lets say Windows 7, or even Windows Vista.

I am thinking of investing in this company which my friend has been hyping up for like a year now and I want to know why it is actually better.​

Please give me valid answers. Not something like; "It looks nicer". Or "Mac PwNs WinDows".

Thank you for the help!​

None are better. What are you good using at?

Both have there ups and down. Buy something that meet your need. Don't buy Windows Server for Mac Cilents and Mac OS X Server for Windows Cilents.

It comes down to what your doing. Gaming, Windows and Steam. Working with clients that use Logic Studio, well your hands are tied there, get a Mac.


macrumors regular
Feb 19, 2009
btw: Windows 7 isn't officially out yet. So right now there's only OSX 10.6 a.k.a Snow Kitty :)

But I've used computers for a long time, and all I can say is: there is very little difference between contemporary OSes. In fact there's more similarity between Win7 and OSX 10.6 than there is between Win95 and Win7 or System7 and OSX. Both are fat kernels trying to masquerade as micro-kernels.

On the real world side, there's the question of driver support and device support which really is only applicable if you intend to use your Mac on certain exotic devices. Otherwise they support a similar range of printers, scanners, video cards, devices, etc. By design and intent, Mac hardware is available from a limited range so the driver support will never matter to most people.

Performance wise: All in all, since both run on the same hardware platform (Intel) and have pretty much the same underlying design, they offer similar performance.

Apps: While it is true that Windows has a much larger range of apps available for it, ask yourself: what are the applications I really intend to use on this machine ? Games ? Productivity software ? If it is FPS games you are after, such as Crysis and Wolfenstein, you'll be better off with Windows. If it is Adobe and other graphic design software you use then of course, this is the traditional strength of the Mac platform. Software such as MS Office etc is available on both platforms.

UI: so it really comes down to what you like as your personal preference. I use both on a daily basis and have no problems switching between them. Just use whatever you are comfortable with. Walk into an Apple store, use the computers there. See for yourself. Walk into a PC store, try out the machines. They might have Win7 RC on display (some did when I was in a Currys last time). Do the tasks you usually do and see how comfortable you are doing them.

Finally: don't ever get swayed by ads from either MS or Apple. Remember one thing: you're the consumer, at the end of the day they're just companies not charities or your best friend. They just want your money. It's your money so spend it wisely.

And of course, be happy with whatever you chose !
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