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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 20, 2016
Grubville, MO
I bought my Apple Watch (38mm Sport/Space Grey) about a week ago. Thus far the opinions I've received (both solicited and non) have ranged from "Cool!" to "What a complete waste of money!"

First off, let me address the latter... I'm single, no kids, bills paid, decent job and the dogs have plenty of food, water and why the hell shouldn't I spend my money on what I want??!?!

Sorry, just went a bit crazy there...just tired of hearing it. ;)

Here's one of the big advantages I've found thus far: When I get home, I typically plug my iPhone into the charger, on my desk, where it sits until I leave the house. When I'm sits. I go to the living room and watch TV or the kitchen to cook dinner and I can't hear every "ding" or "Notification" or phone call. (I kinda like that sometimes).

Then hours later, I get the messages and while most are unimportant, some actually are real messages that should be addressed in a timely manner. Now, with my Apple Watch, I can be anywhere in the house, away from the iPhone and still keep abreast of the goings on, elsewhere in the world. All without getting my lazy butt up, to look at things! ;)

That's a big reason that I like this new gadget so much.

No point to this really, just felt like writing something. :)
Agree 100%. People will judge, so whatever. Back in '08, I was the first in my company to switch from Blackberry/Windows Phone type devices to the iPhone. People felt the same way about the iPhone then ("it's just a toy") as they do now about the Apple Watch. Today, 95% of my coworkers and clients are on the iPhone. Go figure.

Also, from everything I'm reading about Watch OS 3, your brand-new purchase is soon to get at least twice as useful as it is now. Get ready...
I just got one for my wife for her birthday (which we lead up to her getting me one later in the year ;) ), and she fell in love with it while cooking.

She was making a pie and the crust had to rise and then be rolled out about 3 different times. The fact that as she was putting it back in the fridge to chill after rolling she just spoke out loud, "set timer for 12 minutes" and then turned and got back to her book she was reading on the couch made her real giddy.
I absolutely hate when people judge me for what I choose to spend my money on! So frustrating! I'm the same way only I'm married with no kids. I choose to spend my money on what makes me happy and new tech toys are one of the things that make me happy! Now if this beta would just finish downloading I would be even happier.....
I bought my Apple Watch (38mm Sport/Space Grey) about a week ago. Thus far the opinions I've received (both solicited and non) have ranged from "Cool!" to "What a complete waste of money!"

First off, let me address the latter... I'm single, no kids, bills paid, decent job and the dogs have plenty of food, water and why the hell shouldn't I spend my money on what I want??!?!

Sorry, just went a bit crazy there...just tired of hearing it. ;)

Here's one of the big advantages I've found thus far: When I get home, I typically plug my iPhone into the charger, on my desk, where it sits until I leave the house. When I'm sits. I go to the living room and watch TV or the kitchen to cook dinner and I can't hear every "ding" or "Notification" or phone call. (I kinda like that sometimes).

Then hours later, I get the messages and while most are unimportant, some actually are real messages that should be addressed in a timely manner. Now, with my Apple Watch, I can be anywhere in the house, away from the iPhone and still keep abreast of the goings on, elsewhere in the world. All without getting my lazy butt up, to look at things! ;)

That's a big reason that I like this new gadget so much.

No point to this really, just felt like writing something. :)

Get this app. You can see your iPhone's battery percentage while it's charging in case you need to use it soon or leave the house.
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Seeing that app makes me wonder why the watch natively can't see the paired iPhone battery levels the same way the iPhone can see the watch battery level via the built into iOS widget.

No idea but this app saves me from pacing back and forth to check the battery status of my phone :)
No idea but this app saves me from pacing back and forth to check the battery status of my phone :)

Thank. This app is so cool.


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MrWoofus - I'm with you. I'm kind of a watch nerd and rotate my watches on a weekly basis (sometimes daily). With that behavior in mind, I never thought I'd use the Apple Watch to it's full potential. So, I took a pass. But, I'm a gadget nerd too, so the AW always was at the back of my mind.

Then, a few weeks back, I was on a business trip and forgot to put on a watch in my rush to get packed and out of the house. At O'Hare, I happen by a tech shop and saw the Fitbit Blaze, Fitbit's activity watch (don't call it a smartwatch). So, I bought it figuring it would suffice as a watch on my trip as well as replace my Fitbit Flex. And that it did... but, it really got me thinking about what it would be like to wear a "real" smartwatch. And, that again turned my attention to the Apple Watch. I was intrigued about having a device that would not only serve as a fitness tracker, but a mini-iPhone strapped to my wrist. I liked the idea of being able to get texts, voicemails, emails, and phone calls without pulling my phone out my pocket or bag. Essentially, I was convincing myself that I "needed" an Apple Watch! So, I placed a 42mm Space Gray Sport in my Best Buy cart for a couple of weeks and just let it sit there before finally pulling the trigger earlier this week.

At first, I had a bit of buyer's remorse, most likely because of the learning curve of Watch OS. But, after a day or so of getting the watch set up and customized to my liking, it's been the only thing on my wrist and I must say, I'm very impressed. I've also purchased a couple of extra bands to shake things up (a midnight blue sport and a black woven nylon). New bands coupled with the different watch faces is like having multiple watches in one!

In any case, I'm pumped about OS 3.0; sounds like this thing's going to be relevant still!
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The only times I feel my AW is redundant is when I'm at my MB Pro all day. Texts and other notifications pop up on the Pro's screen, and I can address them before my AW, or even my iPhone, get them.

All other times, I want my AW on my wrist. If I think about wearing my other watches instead, I have to consider whether or not I'll miss the AW's extra functions.
The only times I feel my AW is redundant is when I'm at my MB Pro all day. Texts and other notifications pop up on the Pro's screen, and I can address them before my AW, or even my iPhone, get them.

I'd think if we get the ability to unlock our Mac with our AW on wOS 3, they can easily make it so that notifications do not go to our AW while we're on it. Maybe they'll do that in a future update.
I'd think if we get the ability to unlock our Mac with our AW on wOS 3, they can easily make it so that notifications do not go to our AW while we're on it. Maybe they'll do that in a future update.
It's already been the case, pretty much. When I start typing in Messages on the Mac or when I bring it to the front, iCloud doesn't bother sending a notification to my phone or watch.
It's already been the case, pretty much. When I start typing in Messages on the Mac or when I bring it to the front, iCloud doesn't bother sending a notification to my phone or watch.

But the source of your complaint is in the beginning, right? My Mac doesn't know if I'm at the computer so I'm getting at least initial notifications to both my AW (on 2.2.1) and Mac.
But the source of your complaint is in the beginning, right? My Mac doesn't know if I'm at the computer so I'm getting at least initial notifications to both my AW (on 2.2.1) and Mac.
Never said I was complaining.

I don't mind if the phone or watch gives me an extra reminder if I miss the first one on the laptop.
Never said I was complaining.

I don't mind if the phone or watch gives me an extra reminder if I miss the first one on the laptop.

Well, you did state it was redundant. All I'm saying is wOS 3 can make it less redundant by disabling all notifications to the AW if our Macs detect its immediate presence.
Well, you did state it was redundant. All I'm saying is wOS 3 can make it less redundant by disabling all notifications to the AW if our Macs detect its immediate presence.
(since I can boost my post count by continuing to answer and risk derailing this thread)

When I've missed my AW the least is when I'm at my computer all day.

But, even though notifications pop up on my computer first -- which is correct for messaging behavior among iCloud-connected devices -- I appreciate having a second reminder appear on the watch. I might be looking away from the computer screen as the notification comes in.

Maybe watchOS 3 and Sierra will give the choice of disabling AW notifications while I'm at the computer, but I'm not planning to flip the switch. There's a difference between having every device ping simultaneously and having them do it progressively. Right now, it's a progression, going from the currently-active device, then down the chain -- and I think it works best.
When I've missed my AW the least is when I'm at my computer all day.

Same here.

My wife doesn't have a MAC, has a PC, and an iPhone.

She has yet to experience the AW that I bought her, and I'm curious how that will be for her.

Especially, where iPhones are discouraged in meetings.

I should add on --

I use my AW the most whenever I'm not at my computer -- which, hopefully, is as often as possible.

It's great for all the breaks I take. I don't need to take my phone into the bathroom anymore. I get notified only of important things when I'm out for lunch because of how I've got notifications filtered. I wear it when I'm out with my wife so I can use Apple Pay and stay connected without having to carry my phone. I wear it any time I have to drive somewhere new because it's so good at giving me directions.

I like having it when I'm at the computer, too. It's been a habit of mine to check my watch for the time, and now I can also easily check the weather, be reminded to take a break, and more.

On balance, I enjoy it a lot. I have a small collection of pretty darned good regular watches, and I'm not wearing them very often because my AW is so good at its job.
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