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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 12, 2007
Just wondering why?

If that is the case, shouldn't everyone pull of the plug of iMac when not in use?
shouldn't everyone pull of the plug of iMac when not in use?
I don't even turn mine off, so I'm probably less likely to unplug it.

I would assume first, the transformer is the most likely culprit, that is many devices have a powerbrick, which is the transformer. That uses some electricity even if the product is off. The iMac's transfer is on the inside of the computer but still its converting A/C to D/C. Plus it maybe powering some of the circuity to keep the clock going and also the power switch since that's not a fully mechanical switch AFAIK
It's costing you ~ $0.01 a week leaving your iMac plugged in and turned off. If you want to unplug your computer every time it's not on, go for it. I'll pay the 50 cents a year convenience fee.
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I keep my Mac and related peripherals connected to a surge suppressor.

At night or if I'm away from home, it's all powered down and I flip the on/off switch on the power strip to "off".

Absolutely NO power being consumed that way!
It's costing you ~ $0.01 a week leaving your iMac plugged in and turned off. If you want to unplug your computer every time it's not on, go for it. I'll pay the 50 cents a year convenience fee.

Ha. But the question is why does the iMac need to consume power when it is off?
I keep my Mac and related peripherals connected to a surge suppressor.

At night or if I'm away from home, it's all powered down and I flip the on/off switch on the power strip to "off".

Absolutely NO power being consumed that way!

Me too.

Ha. But the question is why does the iMac need to consume power when it is off?

No. Anything with a transformer (wall wart, television, media player, etc.) will pull power when turned "off". The easiest way to combat this is to use a surge protector and switch that off when not in use.
It's costing you ~ $0.01 a week leaving your iMac plugged in and turned off. If you want to unplug your computer every time it's not on, go for it. I'll pay the 50 cents a year convenience fee.

In aggregate, this wasted energy is quite a national problem.

Experts estimate that standby energy drain accounts for anywhere from 5 to 10 percent of an average home's annual power usage.
I'll pay the 50 cents a year convenience fee.
that's basically my perspective as well. I'm not going to lose sleep over the little amount it draws, tbough its more then a little for me, since I just leave my computer on all day/night.
Ha. But the question is why does the iMac need to consume power when it is off?

It consumes a tiny bit of power for a few reasons probably:

- For Wake-On-LAN to work, the network card draws a tiny bit of power.
- Since the power button is not a physical switch, there is a circuit that needs power to detect when the button is pressed.
- Likely the NVRAM and other similar chips that require power at all times draw power from the power supply whenever possible, so the backup battery isn't drained too quickly.
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