My new 2018 MBP shipped with High Sierra, which is what my old 2014 was using. For reference, I was on Yosemite until very recently because I am always reticent to update while working on major projects (I work with music technology, and rely on a lot of third party software and hardware on a daily basis).
I'm considering just leaving the machine on High Sierra, since I know everything works there. Is there any reason why I should think about moving to Mojave? Is there something I'm missing?
Mojave will be supported with updates for 1 year longer than for high sierra and 2 years longer than for Sierra.
El Capitan is not getting security updates or safari updates anymore. I have a 2014 mba which was on El Capitan and could have upgraded it to Sierra, High Sierra or Mojave.
I chose Mojave because of the length of time it will be supported compared to the others.
But there is another thing which will probably make me stay with Mojave for a very long time - even after 10.15 and 10.16 are released.
When I open several of my apps I often see the message “This app will not work with future versions of macOS”.
This is because Mojave is the last macos to support 32 bit apps as reported by macrumors of June 5 at
Some may argue that the developers should update the apps to 64 bit or be replaced with alternative apps.
But many of the 32 bit apps have not been updated to 64 bit and so they will be a pain to replace with alternatives.
I think I will stick with Mojave for a very long time to keep the 32 bit apps running for as long as possible.
Unless apple change their mind about this macos 10.15 and above will not be an option.
Ultimately loss of functionality will decide if - or if not I upgrade.
I fear 10.15 and above will lead to too much loss of functionalty of the 32 bit apps - and new features of 10.15 probably won’t be enough to convince me otherwise.
Even worse will be macs which ship with 10.15 or above. I fear too that those macs will be LESS functional than my humble old 2014 mba running a whole heap of really cool 32 bit apps - which those newer macs will never be able to run!
So why Mojave? Basically because it will give maximum functionality for the maximum time.