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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007
Hi, they were supposed to be available in April but I still cannot find these passive cooling laptops. Anybody knows what is going on?


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....

They’re in Acer’s US store. I found one D5 and two D7 models.

Concept D5

Concept D7

The D9 and desktops aren’t out yet.

Considering my Asus Vivobook had speaker:oops::rolleyes::oops: issues and I did not like the keyboard, it went back. I might consider the D5. My only quibble, the white casing looks really bad.

Laptop keyboard question: is it me or are several OEMs moving the shift key into weird spots due to the home arrow keys?
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macrumors G4
Apr 9, 2010
where hip is spoken

They’re in Acer’s US store. I found one D5 and two D7 models.

Concept D5

Concept D7

The D9 and desktops aren’t out yet.

Considering my Asus Vivobook had speaker:oops::rolleyes::oops: issues and I did not like the keyboard, it went back. I might consider the D5. My only quibble, the white casing looks really bad.

Laptop keyboard question: is it me or are several OEMs moving the shift key into weird spots due to the home arrow keys?
It's not just you. Lenovo did some funky stuff with their 15.6" IdeaPad laptop's keyboard. the up-arrow key is where the right shift key is. I guess if this was my daily driver I'd adjust, but it's my "Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro" system that I use on occasion, and that makes it rough.
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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jul 23, 2007

They’re in Acer’s US store. I found one D5 and two D7 models.

Concept D5

Concept D7

The D9 and desktops aren’t out yet.

Considering my Asus Vivobook had speaker:oops::rolleyes::oops: issues and I did not like the keyboard, it went back. I might consider the D5. My only quibble, the white casing looks really bad.

Laptop keyboard question: is it me or are several OEMs moving the shift key into weird spots due to the home arrow keys?

Just contacted Acer in Canada. They have no idea when Concept D5 and D7 will be out in Canada. They said that there is no information at all.


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
It's not just you. Lenovo did some funky stuff with their 15.6" IdeaPad laptop's keyboard. the up-arrow key is where the right shift key is. I guess if this was my daily driver I'd adjust, but it's my "Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry Pro" system that I use on occasion, and that makes it rough.

Thank you very much.

Been noticing this a lot, the Razer (that was the main reason why I returned it), on a couple of Asus RoG and Vivobook, and Lenovo Yoga laptops.

Typing and display have to be right for me out of the box. I couldn’t adjust, but I have hope I can find something that will work for me.
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macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
I am reading through Acer’s manuals for the D5 and D7 and am very impressed by the help and support included. Very easy to understand.

As a Windows noob (and as someone who is used to the simplicity of macOS), this is critical for me. This makes the under the hood aspects of Windows a bit less daunting.

I may order one of these Concept D laptops from Acer whenever Amazon refunds my money from the Vivobook.

It’s ironic that I hated my 2017 Acer due to the dim screen and upgrade hourglasses -and yet- they may have what I need in the Concept D line. Acer is also eventually releasing Concept D desktops and monitor(s).

Reading these manuals, I am open-minded enough to try another Windows system, as I understand some issues are my simply not knowing Windows.

Update: If I were to try these, it would definitely be a D7. The D5 is a quad core model and pricey for a quad core too*, yes it has an RTX 2060, but also a smaller battery.

*I can say the same for their dual core Swift 7. Quite Expensive.
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macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
These are up for pre-order at B & H. No arrival date yet.

I am hoping the Microsoft Store or Best Buy will stock them at some point. Just want to test the keyboard, screen and backlight.

Though if Razer's upcoming Studio 17" has a better keyboard and solid screen, I may just go with that. I keep thinking about the 15" advanced model.


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
:p Sheesh, Acer is already updating the Concept D line*.

Glad I've held off, btw Asus and Acer's announcements at IFA yesterday, I have plenty of options. Need to see and test some of these, but very encouraging to see several options in Asus ProArt line (and possibly ROG strix) and Acer's Concept D line (now including machines branded Concept D Pro).

*The Concept D5 Pro might be my speed with the RTX 2060 refresh, but I want a look at some Asus models too.


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
Looks interesting, though I'm not sure its my kind of machine.
It's a niche machine for sure: a Surface Studio as a reasonably priced laptop.

If the included Wacom pen's pressure sensitivity is at least 4192, I am in. This would negate a separate Wacom tablet for me.

I was hoping Acer would go this route. Now I must wait for Acer to release it in the States...?


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
Conceptd 3 ezel is coming in August.

I think I will wait until then to buy a PC. I wasn’t sure about this initially (especially after the generally meh reviews the Conceptd line has received); Now I think that display could be super useful to me.

Dave Lee’s first look.



macrumors 601
Jun 25, 2007
St. Paul, Minnesota
Conceptd 3 ezel is coming in August.

I think I will wait until then to buy a PC. I wasn’t sure about this initially (especially after the generally meh reviews the Conceptd line has received); Now I think that display could be super useful to me.

Dave Lee’s first look.

I like Dave's videos - a combination of his, Linus's, and Mobiletechreview's videos and you'll know everything about the device you want.

Fortunately I have an XPS 15 right now that will tide me over until the ARM transition is complete for Apple - hopefully AMD takes their mobile CPU's ridiculous power-per-watt to even further heights and I get two compelling markets to choose from.
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