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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 12, 2012
hey guys dos any one have issue with wi-fi calling with verizon ? i have iphone 7 with IOS 10.3.1


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 12, 2012
took about a 1hr with a verizon rep from chat but we got wi-fi calling too work now

what he or she did they this kept refreshing and refreshing the account in tell they got it added on there too work the way it should


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2010
So Cal, USA
Occasionally it won't connect to my home WiFi - just remains in LTE status. Not really sure, but I'm guessing this might be a VZW issue and not necessarily an issue with iPhone or iOS. I used to have AT&T and it always connected (same exact iPhone 7+ unlocked device, just swapped SIM). I never had this issue until i switched over to VZW.

Edit: Wait, I just thought of something...maybe if the VZW signal is really strong (which it is in my area) the device will prefer that connection instead of the WiFi calling. Maybe mine always connected to AT&T WiFi calling because their signal is not very good in my area, so WiFi calling was the better option.

I don't know if this is the case, maybe someone else can comment if they have more knowledge of the WiFi calling feature.
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Mar 11, 2009
I have been having problems with both wifi calling and FaceTime audio over wifi. With a regular phone call, I can hear the other person just fine, but they tell me I'm breaking up and can't hear me. I toggle wifi off for it to go back to LTE, and that fixes it.

With FaceTime audio, both ends of the call are unreliable. It will cut in and out. The same fix works: turn wifi off and use LTE.

I could understand this if the wifi connection was slow or unreliable, but the latency is much lower and the speeds are more than sufficient.


Apr 29, 2017
hey guys dos any one have issue with wi-fi calling with verizon ? i have iphone 7 with IOS 10.3.1

I have to use it because our signal in our house is only 1 bar and a bit weak. It works great on our wifi. I haven't noticed any issues.


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2014
hey guys dos any one have issue with wi-fi calling with verizon ? i have iphone 7 with IOS 10.3.1
Have the same 7 as you and my wifi calling on Verizon works fine. My house does not get the best signal and I notice sometimes the wifi kicks in on the call and sometimes not. Could it be your router?


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 12, 2012
Have the same 7 as you and my wifi calling on Verizon works fine. My house does not get the best signal and I notice sometimes the wifi kicks in on the call and sometimes not. Could it be your router?

every thing is fixed now has nic chat with a verzion rep on chat so every thing is working has it should now
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