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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 11, 2012
Ran into a problem after installing iOS8 on my iPod Touch 5G. Can no longer seem to do a wifi Sync with my iMac, either manually initiated or as part of automatic sync when charging. This worked fine with iOS7, but not now. It says "searching for the iMAC …" and then eventually times out and quits the sync attempt.

Syncing the iPod to the iMac with USB cable still works fine. Also, wifi syncing of my iPad Mini (still running iOS7) to the same iMac works normally. Only new variable is the iOS8 on the iPod.

I'm running iTunes version 11.4 on the iMac under Lion. I believe this to be the latest iTunes version that is supposed to support iOS8.

Anyone else seen this? Any ideas??



macrumors 601
May 4, 2010
SE Penna.
You're not the only one experiencing this. I think its a combo of iOS 8 wifi and iTunes itself. If I reboot the iphone/ipad and restart iTunes it usually sees the device again. Sometimes a reboot of my Mac does it. Also, if I leave and come back with my iPhone and reconnect to my wifi network, itunes does not see the device again.

Send some feedback to Apple so they know. I've sent 4 or 5 since the update.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 11, 2012
Thanks, whsbuss.

I tried rebooting both the iPod and the iMac, but no luck. In fact it is acting even more strange now.

It won't let me even try to initiate a manual wifi sync. The "Sync now" command is grayed out and the message says "sync will resume when the iMac is available."

Furthermore, now my iPod doesn't show up on my iTunes devices list unless I have the USB cable connected.

I'm totally confused and frustrated at this point.

Will try contacting Apple


macrumors newbie
Aug 24, 2011
I am seeing this also. Sometimes my iPad Air is seen, sometimes the iPhone 6 is seen. A reboot of the iPhone will usually let it be seen by iTunes. This was never a problem with IOS 7.
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