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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 27, 2018
i have some Google widgets that I like to use on the widget screen (the one you swipe to the right from the home screen to get to). I use the Google widgets as I do not see any Apple equivalent. One Google widget is for the traffic conditions for my route home. That widget is a square map that says Home. The second one I like is called Google Travel Times and it shows the estimated to home or work depending on where I am.

Now here is the problem. On some days, I will get two traffic condition widgets, both for home. No idea how the second one got there. Some days there is only one. Then with the Google Travel Times widget, some days it's there and some days it's gone; disappeared, nowhere to be found. If I do an edit and customize, some days, if it's there, the option to move it up or down the list is available. On the days it's missing from the main widget screen, it's not to be found in the edit or customize areas nor is it available in the add a new widget when you tap on the + sign. When it's gone, I have idea where it went nor any idea on how to re-add it. But today, hey, it just showed up!!??

Sorry for the long question. Hopefully someone can explain how this all works to me because I don't get it at all. Thanks.
As I've never experienced this behaviour with any of my widgets, nor even heard about it, I suspect there's something wrong with those particular Google widgets you're using, or rather with the app that manages them. Either there's a bug in that app, or it isn't compatible with your iOS version (has it been updated lately?), or something like that.
Thanks. I kind of figured that might be the case but it's still really weird. Appreciate the reply.
Stab in the dark here.....when you go to Edit the Widget Stack is "Widget Suggestions" down in the bottom right corner on or off? I'm wondering if its on and its suggesting the additional widget you see by some quirk of the app\iOS. If you set it to off then the behaviour may change.
Thanks. I turned that off. I will see what happens.
Just wondering if you found the fix for this issue. Newest iPhone and newest iOS here, and I’m having the same issue even with turning off the widget suggestions. I love having my five most used destinations saved on Google Travel Times widget for easy traffic and travel estimates and one click navigation, but the disappearing widget is frustrating.
No fix. The only real thing I can do is restart the phone. That fixes it most of the time. But today I had 3 widgets show up, one of which was a duplicate of one I already had. Just weird stuff.
Nope, the problematic widgets are not in a Smart Stack. The widgets in my Smart Stack work fine.
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