I use wifi analyzer, it's pretty good. Costs a couple of dollars. Wififofum is another one. I think it has a wifi hotspot map feature as well. Costs a couple of bucks too. And also check out wifi booster - extends the wifi section in the settings app.
Hello, exist currently some app like WiFiFoFum on Appstore, please? Even if it should be a paid version.
Can you please give me concrete link to appstore, please?
Big thanks.
Hello, exist currently some app like WiFiFoFum on Appstore, please? Even if it should be a paid version.
Can you please give me concrete link to appstore, please?
Big thanks.
This is the JB section.
You will not find such type of app in the appstore, they are not allowed per apples policy.
I use wifi explorer installed via cydia.