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macrumors P6
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
What are you guys playing or played?

I'm beginning to get hooked to picking up used Wii games to play on my newly acquired WiiU

so far I have
Super Paper Mario
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Super Mario Galaxy 1+2
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Sin and Punishment
House of the Dead Overkill
Ghost Squad
Boom Blox 1 + Party Bash
de Blob
Red Steel 2
Wii Sports Resort
Mushroom Men
Endless Ocean

Wario ware Smooth Moves
Mario Kart Wii

CANNOT believe I missed out on Galaxy, but I had a Wii briefly when it came out and sold it after beating Twilight Princess...

also cannot believe I wasnt aware of a Wii Sports sequel (Resort). its awesome ambiance and fun mini games

Rail shooters are really fun to me!

I also LOVE how over the top gratuitous Madworld and Overkill are. The Grindhouse theme of Overkill is fantastic, especially for the Wii which is considered a generally kid-friendly machine. I feel like those sorta games cant get away with crudeness without P.C. backlash in 2019.
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Glad you got Excitebots! That and Excite Truck are pure fun, and lots of people missed out on them.

Metroid Prime Trilogy, gaming's greatest bargain (if you don't have access to it on Wii U)

Wii Party has some really creative games that involve hiding Wii remotes in your house and other inventive uses of the controllers

Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom is still one of the best traditional fighting games
My list:
Wii Sports
Twilight Princess
Excite Truck
Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
Metroid Prime 3
Zack & Wiki
Mario Kart Wii
No More Heroes
Skyward Sword
Call of Duty

Good times.

Here’s the 2006 E3 press conference; can’t believe it was 12 years ago!
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And with a Wii, you can get a GameCube controller, and play GameCube games on it, too!

That adds Zelda Windwaker, Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil 4, Luigi's Mansion, and more.
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I was way into Skyward Sword (Zelda). Fun as hell, and I only wish I could get time to get into the others before and after it.

Also, you can play a lot of old games (like Final Fantasy from NES/SNES) from their online store which is way cool if you are into retro RPGs like me.
And with a Wii, you can get a GameCube controller, and play GameCube games on it, too!

That adds Zelda Windwaker, Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil 4, Luigi's Mansion, and more.

Wind waker is some’n I have on Wii U... and it’s fantastic !

I have Luigi’s mansion 1 on 3ds but wouldn’t mind playing it on big screen. And Mario sunshine never played either
And with a Wii, you can get a GameCube controller, and play GameCube games on it, too!

That adds Zelda Windwaker, Metroid Prime, Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil 4, Luigi's Mansion, and more.
You're right, but you do need to check which model you have. The consoles Nintendo sold over the first few years of Wii's lifespan were GameCube compatible, but they actually phased that out.
Only the oddball "clamshell" model and the VERY low selling "Wii Family Edition" lack GameCube support. (The clamshell model is completely missing the GameCube controller ports, GC memory card ports, and is even missing WiFi, so can't use any online functionality. The "Family Edition" ironically still has all the hardware on the motherboard, it just doesn't have the ports soldered on!)
The only Wii games I played a lot are Wii Sports and the two Zeldas. I hated the Wii controls which, IMO, were only good for games like Wii Sports. I tried the Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime games but I had enough of the waggle by then. Thankfully, it supported GameCube games which is how I played Twilight Princess (I tried the Wii version but couldn't stand it).

Part of me really wants to hook it up again and play the Galaxy and Prime games, since everyone is always saying how great they are, but I just can't stand the controls.
The only Wii games I played a lot are Wii Sports and the two Zeldas. I hated the Wii controls which, IMO, were only good for games like Wii Sports. I tried the Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime games but I had enough of the waggle by then. Thankfully, it supported GameCube games which is how I played Twilight Princess (I tried the Wii version but couldn't stand it).

Part of me really wants to hook it up again and play the Galaxy and Prime games, since everyone is always saying how great they are, but I just can't stand the controls.

Agree with you. I just want to rest my game controller in my lap while I'm playing. The Galaxy games were especially good though, including the soundtracks.
Wow I completely forgot that was doable.
I picked up an official white Nintendo GCN controller back in the day. The GCN controller is my favorite controller.

Dont forget the GameCube titles Rebel Strike and Rogue Leader!

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Tiger Woods 12 if you have a motion plus controller. So immersive if you have even a passing interest in golfing.
New Super Mario Bros.
Resident Evil games if you like your shooters.

The Conduit is another decent shooter and all the Call Of Duty games play well on the Wii.
No more heroes 1 & 2 are also a blast. Tomb Raider games also work well with the motion aiming.

My favourites which I still play from time to time on my Mac are Wii Sports Resort, House of Dead Overkill, Ghost Squad, Grand Slam Tennis and Tiger Woods 12.
I love House of the Dead Overkill

Great game! Picked up Umbrella Chronicles too, but havent played it yet same with NSMB

Played a bit of NSMBU on WiiU too and I enjoy it! but 3d land is stealing attention away from that one

I have so many games to get through including some GameCube now that I've built up a small collection for that as well
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