It has been broken for 7 months now. Forget the Apple Watch dev kit. Fix the basic issues first. Jeez...
It has been broken for 7 months now. Forget the Apple Watch dev kit. Fix the basic issues first. Jeez...
Could you be more specific? I've noticed exactly 0 problems copying and pasting On iOS 8.
Sometimes I like to copy and paste paragraphs from articles when posting on online forums, but many times when I copy something and try to paste it, the paste animation disappears very quickly (less than a second) and it doesn't allow me to post the text that I have copied over. Sometimes it is almost a race between the animation disappearing and me hitting the paste button. I have never had this issue with any of the previous iOS versions and my work flow hasn't really changed at all.
Also in previous versions of Safari you could long press an image in an article and it would copy the URL of the image to clipboard. In iOS 8 it doesn't work at all. Long pressing does nothing. Very annoying.
Could you be more specific? I've noticed exactly 0 problems copying and pasting On iOS 8.
I don't have any of the issues you describe on both my iPhone 6 and iPad 2, both running iOS 8.1.3. Have you tried a restore and set up as new? Maybe you have a freak bug.
Yes I've just noticed this problem in 8.1.2 and now in 8.1.3.
You can report bugs to Apple here:
It has been broken for 7 months now. Forget the Apple Watch dev kit. Fix the basic issues first. Jeez...
Yeah, I've had isses. The copy, paste, cut shortcut popover just vanishes and won't come back, but that's just iOS now.
In Safari, if I want to copy a word, it selects the whole box.
Could you be more specific? I've noticed exactly 0 problems copying and pasting On iOS 8.
This is an issue that pre-dates iOS 8 and I think it has something to do with the way the pages are coded since it happens on some sites and not others.
Doesn't matter, though. Apple needs to figure out how to adapt for that because it makes their phone look bad even if it's the website's fault.
And as for the OP's specific issues, yup. All true.
Uh. Do you copy and paste ever? Just try copying and pasting any post on this forum thread in mobile view on your iPhone. It selects the whole box. It's so bugged actually on Macrumors that after trying a few times the page starts scrolling up by itself. Repeated several times so it's not a fluke.