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macrumors 601
Original poster
Apr 30, 2012
I was wondering earlier why apple hasn't released its own version of Swype or similar flow type of keyboard. Do you think this is something they would consider in the future? If so do you think it would be able to compete with third party keyboards?
I suspect so. They have a long history of taking popular ideas and rolling them into iOS. When? Who knows.
I suspect so. They have a long history of taking popular ideas and rolling them into iOS. When? Who knows.

In sense it's usually taking something that has actually proved itself as being useful then usually refining it or at least improving upon it before integrating it.
I was wondering earlier why apple hasn't released its own version of Swype or similar flow type of keyboard. Do you think this is something they would consider in the future? If so do you think it would be able to compete with third party keyboards?

Why would they release a keyboard like Swype?

Apple easily has the best soft keyboard on the market... why change/fix what's not broken?
Will apple ever make its own flow type keyboard?

Why would they release a keyboard like Swype?

Apple easily has the best soft keyboard on the market... why change/fix what's not broken?

Because sometimes having the option to use it could be useful to some. The swiftkey keyboard is like an apple keyboard with flow. I love how it is so similar in almost every way but the lack of native siri support in third party boards stinks. I think If the swiftkey keyboard had the speed and accuracy of Swype and dictation, it would be the perfect replacement for the apple keyboard.
Why would they release a keyboard like Swype?

Apple easily has the best soft keyboard on the market... why change/fix what's not broken?

It's probably more in the sense of adding swipe abilities to the existing keyboard--it would be as it is but with the ability to swipe should one want to.
It's probably more in the sense of adding swipe abilities to the existing keyboard--it would be as it is but with the ability to swipe should one want to.

That's exactly it. I keep finding myself reverting back to the stock keyboard. I'm on the fence I'd I'm faster with Swype or the stock keyboard. I think I'd the stock keyboard had a Swype function I wouldn't need a third party one at all.
On one hand, yes, Apple will take popular ideas and tweak them, and add them into new versions of iOS. But with a flow keyboard, I don't see it happening. If the majority of users were to use it, maybe, but I have a feeling casual iPhone users have no issues with the standard keyboard, and Apple is relying on third parties to give flow type functionality to the super users.
I think if they could, they would have already done it instead of allowing 3rd party apps to change the keyboard far as I'm concerned Apple likes to be as independent as possible when it comes to features like this.
Apple easily has the best soft keyboard on the market... why change/fix what's not broken?
Eh - They used to have the best soft keyboard. I would say about 18 months ago, some others really started to catch up and make it close. I have been testing a lot of keyboards for the past year now, and I can honestly say that their keyboard isn't as good as Swiftkey or Fleksy. Minuum is getting much better and really interesting, but I don't think it's quite there yet.
I was wondering earlier why apple hasn't released its own version of Swype or similar flow type of keyboard. Do you think this is something they would consider in the future? If so do you think it would be able to compete with third party keyboards?

I'd like to have that!

I'm using Swype, but it's far from being perfect.
The best I've tried is the Windows phone 8.1 keyboard.
I keep switching between swype and swiftkey. I find swiftkey isn't as accurate with it's autocorrect but the overall feel if the board is better than. Swype.
Will apple ever make its own flow type keyboard?

using swype, finally it is working on ios too. been using it on android for years. tried swiftkey but i prefer swype. and im expecting apple will copy these features to their own keyboard on some day...
Apple probably would not add it to the default keyboard because it probably would cost them a lot of money to license the tech. Not only that, but with third party keyboards, we all have the option to choose that capability if we want.

While I enjoy Swype, I prefer Apple not waste development resources on something like this and focus on more significant features. Also, it wouldn't hurt if Apple actually fixed the third party keyboard issues in the first place.
If Apple did include this feature with the stock keyboard then I would have no use for SwiftKey. As much as I like it, the fact that Apple still hasn't properly fixed third-party keyboard integration makes me wish the stock keyboard had a swiping feature.
I would love this! I tried using swype but Apple's predictive words and auto correct cant be beat.
I don't think they would have put so much effort into allowing third party keyboards if they were planning on one-upping them. If anything I think they will continue to improve the performance and stability of third party keyboards moving forward. However they do run the risk of Google or another competitor buying out a popular iOS keyboard. I think if any one iPhone keyboard in particular ever became extremely popular and Apple saw that it could be a deal breaker if they lose that app and they start to hear things about them getting bought out, they might consider trying to make a purchase if they need a patent to preserve that functionality. But I think it would have to be a really incredible keyboard for them to do something like that. For now Apple will continue to improve their keyboard through new means of improvement, such as that word ribbon thing at the top in iOS 8—although honestly I don't use that much either.
I sure hope they do. The third-party keyboards are incredibly buggy for me. Very common for the keyboard to either completely not show up or for it to revert back to the stock keyboard and I have to change it again. I don't know if this has any relation to the phone I have, but when I had my iPhone 5, I had occasional hiccups with the keyboards but with my 6+ it's just awful. I really wish I could have a Swype type keyboard that was reliable. I'd never look back to the stock keyboard if that was a reality. Right now it's just not feasible to disable the stock keyboard because my keyboard will continuously disappear.
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