The stainless and edition watches are more expensive because of these features.. The aluminum watches remove these features so they can be offered at a reduced price. Always been this way, no reason for Apple to offer more for less..Have you read anything or is thus based on the previous iterations? I’m hoping maybe the redesign would be an opportunity to put sapphire in all models. Seriously haven’t heard a lot about the S7 other than potential delays.
The ION-X glass is garbage when it comes to scratches. I had three aluminum Apple Watches with ION-X and they all scratched very easily on even the slightest scrape or ding. I have my first Sapphire glass screen with my SS Gold Series 6 model and it has gotten even more abuse than all of the aluminum versions I have had and the screen has no scratches on it. It looks the same as the day I got it. I have also dropped it a couple times and it has not shattered or cracked either. The Sapphire glass is definitely worth the extra money to me with how much abuse it takes when I wear it.just because its sapphire doesn't mean it better. sapphire is actually more brittle then ion x and will crack easier though won't scratch as easy. ion x can take a impact better then sapphire though scratches easier.
Yeah it seems like that would be the case; however at the Series 6 launch there was virtually zero information on the Apple website about the materials on any of the watch screens, Edition or standard models. If it was intended as an added value premium feature just for the sake of fetching a higher price, it was not marketed that way. Screen material for the different models is buried way down in the specifications information last time I looked but that was last year when I bought my S6 titanium, they might have changed it.The stainless and edition watches are more expensive because of these features.. The aluminum watches remove these features so they can be offered at a reduced price. Always been this way, no reason for Apple to offer more for less..
While you are technically correct from my own experiences with my mechanical watches (that I stopped using after getting an AW) sapphire was always superior.just because its sapphire doesnt mean it better. sapphire is actually more brittle then ion x and will crack easier though won't scratch as easy. ion x can take a impact better then sapphire though scratches easier.
If you’re talking about a S7 titanium there is talk that there might not be a titanium S7; nothing official or anything though.Yeah I still think sapphire is the way to go as your more likely to scrap the watch against something rather then drop it. Though I think I'm going with titanium this time as the SS is a bit to heavy
Sapphire makes the screen much dimmer. I have both non-SS and SS, side by side SS screen is a lot dimmer but I would stil get SS due to scratch resistance.
I think most people that scratched theirs they're not careful. I'm always mindful when I'm wearing watch. My Silver SS is also pristine considering it's very easy to get micro scratches on the body.We've got a regular Series 4 that still has a pristine display so considering the ~2x pricing for SS/Ti, I think I'd rather take my chances with the Ion-X glass.
I think most people that scratched theirs they're not careful. I'm always mindful when I'm wearing watch. My Silver SS is also pristine considering it's very easy to get micro scratches on the body.
just because its sapphire doesnt mean it better. sapphire is actually more brittle then ion x and will crack easier though won't scratch as easy. ion x can take a impact better then sapphire though scratches easier.