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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 12, 2014
Monroe, Louisiana
Most keys are made of brass. Lock manufacturers typically don’t want to make keys out of much harder metals because over time, it will damage the internals of the lock. It’s easier to replace the key than the lock.

ive Heard that The iPhone is a 6 on mohs scale and brass is a 3. So in theory, there should be no issues with keeping your iPhone in your pocket with your car keys. And yet, neither I, or anyone I know is willing to do that. Is this fear unfounded?
Most keys are made of brass. Lock manufacturers typically don’t want to make keys out of much harder metals because over time, it will damage the internals of the lock. It’s easier to replace the key than the lock.

ive Heard that The iPhone is a 6 on mohs scale and brass is a 3. So in theory, there should be no issues with keeping your iPhone in your pocket with your car keys. And yet, neither I, or anyone I know is willing to do that. Is this fear unfounded?
Which iPhone?
Don't keep any metal objects in the same pocket as an iPhone. No coins either. If you were to accidentally lean against your pocket that had the iPhone and keys in it, there's a good chance of cracking the screen
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I haven't tried it, but even though brass is soft and glass is hard, there are coating on the display that are definitely going to scratch when they rub against brass, copper or zinc, much less harder metals, and I would bet that the glass itself (not just the coatings) will scratch, too. Use a glass screen protector. They're cheap these days and easy to replace.
I mistakenly put my iPhone X and my car/house keys in the same pocket a couple years ago. The screen was scratched a bit, but nothing too severe.

With that said, I avoid putting my keys and credit card holder in the same pocket as my iPhone.
I never put anything in the same pocket as my phone yet my max still has a lot of scratches on the screen so no I wouldn’t dare.

The glass is considerably harder then brass.

Basically have a look at any scratch test on YouTube with a glass screen device, keys never leave a trace.
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A lot if scratching in pockets is done by a few grains of sand that finds it’s way inside. Sand being same hardness as glass will definitely scratch the phone.

oh and any ladies with diamond stud ear rings, and a few guys as well. Imagine the nice scratches those diamond ear rings do as you hold phone up to ear for a call. 😢
It’s funny, because I don’t even carry keys on me anymore. I have a key fob for my vehicle that’s essentially ‘keyless’, and entry to my house is through my garage door. I actually have no keys whatsoever and I don’t carry loose change, so my phone is in its pocket by itself. So for some, it’s a non- issue.
Why would anyone think that keys and an iPhone go together in a pocket? Thats just foolishness to me not to mention sounds really uncomfortable.
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